Ties between Art and Innovation

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I chose to explore the data analysis tool Voyant, which we were introduced to during class last week. I find it compelling to interpret the similarities in content that exist between two different text sources. Both sources relate well to my chosen concept, which is the impact of the arts on innovation and its processes. An influential quote that I pulled from my first article comes from author and innovator Sarah Lewis, where she states:

“What the arts allow us to do is develop the muscle required for discernment, and also strengthen our sense of agency to determine for ourselves how we’re going to tackle a given problem. Especially when you’re young, it’s one of the few times there’s no set path that someone can point you to go down to figure out the answer to a problem you’re trying to solve.”

In this sense, art and the thinking strategies that it employs are a powerful influence on an individuals ability to solve problems and create new ideas. I think this notion is well reflected in my word map, as it displays the most frequent and important words/concepts prominently. Words such as “innovation,” “art,” “science,” design, and “technology” are all key concepts in working to creatively solving problems.



About jcl5354

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