Advocacy Project Ideas

For my advocacy project I have been thinking of a few options. My topic will be the same as my persuasive essay therefore I will be advocating to keep abortion legal and available in the United States.  I have thought of two options that I think will work well with this topic.

First, I think that a photo essay would be a good way to advocate to keep abortion legal. I could take a photo essay in many different directions. I could show the story of a woman in a society that does not offer legal abortion and show how troubling this could be. Or I could show the story of a woman who can find legal abortion but use the photo essay to show how scary and difficult this time is for a woman. Either way the photo essay would use a lot of ethos to advocate for this cause.

My other idea is to do some type of video. It would use photos, music, and possibly voiceover to convey the message. The video would probably use more logos and factual information than the photo essay but would also appeal to emotion.  I think that it should be pretty easy to use ethos in this advocacy project because it is a very emotional subject.

Overall, I think this project can go in many different, exciting directions and I am excited to get started.

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3 Responses to Advocacy Project Ideas

  1. Kathleen Forichon says:

    I’m doing a video for my project as well, and I agree, it will be very easy to appeal to people’s emotions with a subject such as this.

  2. Rose Schlenk says:

    I agree, a photo essay would be a really great way for you to approach the advocacy project. I like the two ideas for the story you want to tell. Both convey your message very well. A video would also work well for your purposes. I’m glad you’re excited to start, it will make it a more fun experience. Good luck!

  3. Shannon Lachman says:

    I like the photo essay idea. Showing the problems that arise in countries without legalize abortion would be a very strong argument. The biggest problem you may face could be deciding how graphic you want the images to be. Also, do you think you want to have captions with your photos?

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