Why You Should Watch the Good Place Right Now

(Especially Why You Should Watch Before I Post More Blogs)

The Good Place is the most creative sitcom ever. While Friends and The Office may be popular, they feature pretty basic or predictable storylines. The Good Place, though, keeps you one your toes, with each episode making you question what you thought you knew about the plot. Here are some reasons you should watch the show, especially since it will be spoiled after this post, and you definitely don’t want that to happen.


  1. The Plot Twists- 

The Good Place truly nails their plot twists and cliffhangers like no other show. The last episode of the first season will most definitely blow your mind, making you want to watch the whole first season again. The plot twists don’t end with that episode (though it is hard to beat), as each season has moments that make you admire the writers’ creativity more and more. 


      2. The Ethics-

Although the Good Place is a comedy, it is loaded with real lessons in ethics and moral philosophy. When you first hear this, it may seem like it would make the show boring, yet this is not true. Each lesson is carefully woven into the plot and only adds to the depth of the characters. While Utilitarianism and the Trolley Problem may seem dull if read in a philosophy textbook, the Good Place makes the characters solving the problem a hilarious, yet ethically accurate scene. 


      3. The Characters-

At first glance, the characters seem familiar and unimaginative—a selfish girl, a nerd, a dumb guy, and a rich, popular girl. Yet, as each episode progresses, and the characters interact with each other and their surroundings, they become much more developed and intriguing characters. Through ethics lessons, flashbacks, and overcoming problems, it is hard to not love the characters more and more. 


      4. The Profundity- 

While, yes, the Good Place is a comedy, it is also a show filled with depth and profound moments. No topic is considered “too real” for the show, having major plot points about death, consequences of your actions, and what actually makes people good or bad. The Good Place emphasizes that since the main characters are dead, it allows them to reflect on how they lived, and thus has serious moments of feelings of failure or regret. These deep moments further strengthen the humanity of the characters and allows them to be relatable. 


      5. The Comedy- 

Despite the fact that the Good Place deals with death and consequences, it remains extremely funny. As the characters navigate their new life in the Good Place, they are situations that have hilarious outcomes. The characters’ interactions with each other make the show even funnier, as their differences lead to comedic scenarios. Ultimately, the writers are able to balance a complex plot, ethics, the realities of being human, and comedy, making this amazing show. 


Now go watch it before it gets spoiled!

3 thoughts on “Why You Should Watch the Good Place Right Now

  1. Very interesting and I like the order of topics. I’m considering watching this show now. The pictures and GIF’s are placed perfectly and they’re pretty funny.

  2. Awesome blog! I can tell you really enjoy this show and have a lot to say. I look forward to hearing more detail in upcoming blogs!

  3. Yes!! Awesome blog, I absolutely love this show and I’m so excited for the last season. I’m excited to read your blog more and awesome use of pics and gifs.

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