Passion Blog Options

Choosing a topic for an entire blog is a daunting problem. I’m trying to consider how I want to project myself to the class and how I want to express my interests. When asked to come up with a “passion” blog, what immediately came to mind was my love for 2000’s and 2010’s TV shows geared towards teenage girls. This is my favorite option for my blog, additionally because it was the only idea I could come up with. I’d like my blog to focus on a new cult craze TV show from the 2000’s-2020’s time period each week, delving into how it capture audience’s attention, the impact it had on pop culture, and how much of a cult following it accrued. Possible options include One Tree Hill, the Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, and even Riverdale. A possible second idea could involve the progression and development of ballet styles throughout the 20th century around the world, because I grew up dancing for 13 years.

One thought on “Passion Blog Options

  1. Hi Jessica! Outstanding work on your RCL blog, you hit the nail on the head with it. I like your idea for a passion blog topic, but make sure to include your personal connection to the topic. Great work!

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