PP (3): Working at a farm

Settled right next to the train tracks in Royersford, PA, is a small farm with a long gravel parking lot leading to a cow pasture and flower fields. To the left of the driveway sits two huge greenhouses, overflowing with hanging baskets, succulents, and flowers of all kinds. To the right are two large tents with stands of dozens of fresh fruits and vegetables. Since my sophomore year of high school, I’ve been able to call this place a home. Well, technically a workplace.

I was hired at Renninger’s Farm and Farm Market the summer after my sophomore year of high school through a friend who works there, who herself had been hired through a friend who had been hired through a friend, and so on. In the sole meeting I had before being hired, I met my boss, commonly referred to as Farmer Jay. I didn’t know it at the time, but I had just met one of my biggest inspirations and role models in life.

My boss was born and raised on his family’s dairy farm, and took it over when he was an adult. By the time I was hired, the farm was extremely popular among the residents of our area and specialized in flower fields, greenhouses, and produce. Throughout my time working there, I learned a lot about his life and the difficulties that came along with it.

Though I did not work out in the fields planting, the work I do at Renninger’s can be exhausting, unloading produce and restocking plants can be very, very heavy. I have spent long days outside in 100 degree weather and spent hours unloading and moving watermelons. However, this pales in comparison to all that I see Jay do. At 80 years old, I am constantly impressed by what my boss accomplishes and has accomplished. I have never met anyone more hard working and humble, someone I strive to be like.

Throughout his life, my boss has been the sole responsibility for his family business and does the jobs no one else wants to do. From getting up at 4 am to feed the cows to near constant weeding and planting, he does the nitty and gritty work. What is most important is the fact he does this without complaint. He diligent to ensure he gets done what needs to be done and does not brush off any responsibilities. By working at the farm, I have seen what true hard work looks like, where an individual is putting their heart into what they do, no matter the task.

To me, this models what it looks like to be a good citizen, one that thinks of the whole community rather than just themselves. I hope to be like my boss as I go through college and develop more and more as an adult. It is easy to get caught up in myself and unnecessary dramas of life, but it is important to stay humble and grounded. No matter where I go, I take what I have learned at the farm with me in order to do so and develop into a kind and caring person.

4 thoughts on “PP (3): Working at a farm

  1. I found that this story is very heartwarming, finding a role model in an everyday work. Working on a farm is hard laborious work and you boss seems to be a determined and strong worker. In my experience I’ve looked up to my bosses at restaurants and fast food and saw how many things they had to put up with. The hireups in our lives are meant to show and teach the younger generation a healthy and hard working mindset and I think your boss emulates that. I love how you clearly and concisely described the story and then seamlessly related it to being a good citizen. I can’t wait to read more of your blogs.

  2. It is so important that you found a job like this. Sometimes, working can seem more of a chore than an experience. Being able to have a powerful role model in your life will help you become successful. Your boss seems like such a good man, I’m sure working with him was a delight. I hope in your future you can find another job that you feel the same way about.

  3. That must have been such an enriching experience for you! Working a job like yours provides such a rare opportunity to have to really do things that are difficult or unenjoyable but are still necessary. I’m sure you built some important skills during this time, and it’s even more heartwarming to hear that you found someone to look up to while doing it!

  4. In your blog for this week I enjoyed seeing how stepping out of your usual environment was able to give you a new role model and perspective. I think that it is great that you have people outside of your immediate family that are able to create a meaningful impact in your life. It is so important to have an array of experiences and be able to apply them to different aspects of life.

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