Across our Penn State campus, we have opportunities to be more sustainable, whether it be Reuse containers at the dining halls or discounts at Starbucks for bringing in your own cup. However, we still have massive amounts of waste including food waste, containers, and cups. Though there are opportunities, there is a wonder if these are enough, and if the student body makes appropriate use of these opportunities. Areas like the Hub experience massive foot traffic of students and serve as a place for food and beverage. The use of plastic and paper cups at the Hub Starbucks and other fast food eateries contributes greatly to the food and beverage waste of the Hub, with trash cans occasionally overflowing. At an institution of 40,000 students, it can be difficult to truly alleviate the stress of waste, yet Penn State is constantly improving its sustainability measures. To further reduce the waste present across campus, Penn State should enact new systems for food and beverage use while providing incentives for choosing sustainability.