Environment – Three Rs

So many people continuously think about new ways to conserve natural resources in order to sustain environment. While I was looking for innovative thoughts, I got to know about the three Rs – to reduce, to recycle, and to reuse.


Overusing anything is very dangerous but our population consume too much and use too much. To avoid making needless trash in the first place will lead to less recycling and disposing of waste. From different manufacturing facilities, waste is generated and disposed through many traditional methods, such as landfills. However, many of us are unaware of increasing amount of waste being generated. It is urgent for the population to commit reducing at home and in communities for conservation of our natural resources. One way you can get involved in daily life is to think what to buy and how to use it before doing anything. Buy only the things you need, buy products that can be reused, and think before you throw away stuff. That way, you can reduce the amount of waste you create and it will eventually get collected to help the Earth.


Recycling is the second R out of five. By recycling, which is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away and turning them into new products, we can benefit the community and as a whole, the environment. There are steps to recycling matters. First is to collect and process through curbside collection, drop-off centers, and refund programs. After collecting, we have to send it to the factory where the materials are sorted, cleaned, and processed into different form that can be used in manufacturing to become new ones. Obviously, the second step is to manufacture. Collected materials are now manufactured and sold to consumers and get used as new ones. Those items could be newspapers, plastic, glass bottles, cans, etc.. Next, it is funny but yes, it is to buy the recycled items. If there is no one who purchases recycled materials, the purpose of recycling is lost. Since people like brand new things, most people try to avoid recycled items. However, they are same stuff, it is just started differently. We need to change our mindsets in order to complete the recycle process.


The basic understanding of reducing was to not create waste at the first place. However, if you already created one, then reuse it. Making a new product requires more of new resources and energy. Unfortunately, new sources are from Earth, which has limited amount of resources to give. By reusing, however, we can protect the depletion of our natural resources, conserve the environment, and save energy and money. Many people tend to buy new product before using it to its fullest extent. You can reuse stuff by not throwing away after used once or by buying used. There are so many stores nowadays which sell used clothes, toys, shoes, bags, etc.. In order for those stores to properly work, we also need people to donate used items. Instead of throwing away after used once, more people need to give away to thrift stores or other reuse centers. “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” Another way we can contribute in reusing is to look closely when shopping for reusable materials. This little thing can add up and save the world. Rather than using disposable items, I recommend using silverwares because you can wash them and use them again continuously. Do not throw away when something is broken. Try to find a way to repair and use it again rather than look into a new product. Alternative way to reuse stuff is by borrowing, renting, or sharing items.

This will be the last post for my civic issues. Writing this blog gave me another pleasure than writing passion blog. By focusing on the conservation and sustainability of environment, it was a good opportunity for me to look back at how I was doing with the things that were given to me and treating the environment around me. I hope at least one person will act and behave differently after reading my posts because small changes can add up to bring a bigger change. Being aware of what is happening to avoid further problems is a way to contribute to the world as an individual.


Environment – Imagine a world without clean water

Previously, I briefly talked about the danger of lacking natural resources and how it will impact our future generations. Among various natural resources given to us, I think water is very important. I know that everything is equally important but in my opinion, I can’t live without water for a single day so I chose to write about water for this week. Most of our water supply comes from rainfall, snowmelt, and infiltration and we get it from all over the landscape. Our concern is that in some areas, the adequacy of the available ground and surface water supply and the quality of the water is decreasing.

    In United States, agriculture is the largest user of the Nation’s water. With increasing population, people in agriculture field increased, leading more use of water. As a result, the competition for water supply is higher each year and ultimately led to water shortages. This means that the water to produce food for human consumption, industrial processes, and all the other uses is becoming scarce.

    Another crisis arising due to the lack of clean water is environmental. Not only humans are in need for water but also plants and animals require water. It will have a profound effect on aquatic ecosystems and the dependent species.

    As a result, we cannot put this issue aside because it is happening quickly than we believe and after desolation would be useless. According to NRCS, natural resources conservation service, NRCS provides technical and financial assistance to producers who implement conservation practices and management strategies, including the restoration and protection of wetlands, which benefit water quality and improve water management.

   Today, 1.1 billion people live without clean water, 2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation, 1.8 million people die every year from diarrheal diseases, and 3,900 children die every day from water borne diseases (from UNICEF/WHO).

    Keep in mind that when you use freshwater at any time, huge saving and improving of water management is possible. In general, Americans do not notice water scarcity so almost everywhere the water is wasted.

    As I said there are so many ways to conserve water in our daily lives. From the waterproject.org website, I found some general tips for us to keep in mind every day.

  • Turn off taps all the way so they do not drip

  • Do not run the water continuously when doing dishes and hand-washing

  • Load fully when using automatic dishwasher

  • Low flush toilets can reduce the water shortage to 40 ~ 50%

These are just several lists from the website that I thought we encounter the most as college students. For me, I began to waste so much water after I came to Penn State and began dorm life. Water that I use when I brush my teeth, take a shower, or wash dishes was spent without thoughts. Because I thought that I have paid for everything that is available to me here at Penn State, I exploited given materials. Now I know that this is bad and it is wrong, I do try harder than anyone else at least in the bathroom not to use single drop of waste without a purpose. Considering Penn State as my alternative house, I took more conservative actions and began to think greener.

We are all human being and we tend to take things granted. However, if we start to think that one little action we take towards saving environment, the world’s natural resource won’t run out.

           It is our responsibility to maintain what we got from our ancestors and turn it over to our next generation. Personally, I think the government should enforce more laws or organizations to implement water conservation system into the community. Increasing water overuse those results in water scarcity is the negative connotation of worse things to come. For example, I did not we had a water day marked on our calendar. The awareness of water scarcity is very low and this is the first thing we need to fix.

           Let’s face it. We need water to survive. Our body is made up of 60% water and water is used for producing food, clothing, etc. We need to know and learn how and why they are used inefficiently so that we can conserve, manage and distribute the water we have productively.

Be Aware!

Macro thinking, Micro moving

Environment- the danger of lacking natural resources and growing landfills

Earth provides us with oxygen, water, land, ocean, and other living creatures that help us to live. Imagine yourself without those important resources. We won’t be able to walk, eat, or breathe for not even a second. This is why we need to focus on the preservation of those rich resources. Our natural resources’ preservation depends on the environment since resources are important aspects of environment.  In order to protect our privileges to use these given resources, we need to conserve the environment that sustains us with fresh air, clean water, homes, and food.

Also, due to our wasteful minds dealing with our very limited resources, there are no spaces left on the Earth to contain all those debris. Literally, we are running out of room for our garbage. How depressing is this? Growing population takes up large amount of spaces for living, and imagines that at one point, trash will invade your private region. Whenever I throw away my trash bag, I wonder how many spaces we can possibly have for all these waste in this country. In the world? What happens when we run out of those spaces available to us currently?

For my civic issues blog posts, I want to discuss about the two opposite but related global environmental crises: Shrinking natural resources and growing landfills.

It can be said that our modern life is dependent on the profligate consumption of natural resources. The more we use, the more we pollute. It is ironic how we are harming our own homes and health with our own habits. The culture of consumerism and the materialistic views led to too many unnecessary spending. With advanced technologies that we are creating every moment, we are getting closer to the extinction of our supplies. The speed of extracting resources from the nature has increased exponentially due to the advancement of technologies.  Like I said earlier, the rapid growth of population also takes a part into leading the growth of utilization of our natural resources. According to the Worldwatch Institute, “the world is on a path toward irrevocable and damaging global warming, and that climate change is also part of the serious environmental issue confronting the global community.” However, the problem is that the depletion of our raw materials is overshadowed by global warming. Although global warming can be more problematic than running out of the resources in the long-term, but if you think about what we might face in short time, depletion is the first thing we need to solve.  Our forests are withering and shrinking, our water sites are reducing, our dry lands are growing, our ecosystem is draining, our minerals are depleting, and our cropland soils are exhausting.

We may think that this on-going depletion has nothing to do with us. Some people don’t realize that we are running out of these resources, and some people believe that we will have endless resources. Well, we are all wrong. All the products we buy that are made from nonrenewable sources leads to the contribution to the problem. We have no time to wait for someone else to take an action. The time to change this is now. We need to take sustainable action. Sustainability keeps the balance between humans and nature to coexist in conformity. Even Penn state has sustainability website that enforces state college community to successfully integrate the sustainability into our lives and prepare people to become sustainability leaders. Around the world, growing number of people reinforces the habit of recycling to stop the depletion of resources. The focus of recycling is that each one of us can do our part and make it count towards the long way of sustainability.


Ultimately, humans need to come up with immediate and innovative solutions in order to stop the depletion of natural resources. The rate of consumption will increase since the population is constantly growing. Unless this depletion stops, the world will soon run out of resources and there may not be anything left for our future generations. We can’t just think about ourselves. What about our grandchildren and their children and so on?


RCL: TIB Rough Draft

This I Believe… The Power of Not Knowing

When I applied to colleges last year, I didn’t understand why undecided was an option for prospective majors. Why do people not know what they want to study or pursue?

Before I came to Penn State, I was student who was strong in math and science. I clearly knew my strengths and weaknesses. I was always confident with my approaches and I never really failed getting where I wanted to end up at. My life was planned out beforehand and I was able to follow what I outlined.

Then, everything started to fall apart after my first day of orientation for first year students at Penn State. I got accepted to the college of engineering so I was with all the other prospective engineers. Unlike me, they already knew what they wanted to do after they graduate. Some people were already interested in certain professor’s lab/research and others were done with their schedules. At that point, I felt that I was behind and I got scared. I didn’t know what classes to take, which professor is better than the others, what kind of labs I will join, and so many other things. College was a world that I was never prepared for and full of unknowns. Maybe other students knew just as much as I knew but it seemed like I was the only one who was lost.

In the darkness, my first semester began and I tried to plan out my life again. I already had four-year academic schedule planned out and I was taking 18 credits, which was good amount to start with. When I began to know what my future would look like, I failed my first chemistry test. So I doubted my talent in chemistry. After I failed my second chemistry test, I was completely undecided with my future. My next step was to visit a Division of Undergraduate Studies adviser, who helps undecided students to find their majors. I never expected myself visiting someone because I didn’t know something.

Unlike my worries, it helped me so much after I admitted that I actually knew nothing. From that point on, I explored different majors with more open eyes. I’ve talked with career services, and went out to seek more information. I first had to know who I am.

I read books to find out who I am and what I like the best. I realized that sometimes not knowing is beneficial than knowing. Failure is the mother of success. You fail when you don’t know. But, at the end, you will have gained so many valuable experiences, and those experiences lead to success. Don’t be afraid of unknowns.


Well begun is half done

When I first heard that we had to write about civic issues for our blogs this semester, I said, “What is civic issues?”

My indifference to what civic issues made me think about what kinds of communal problems we have currently. The two possible topics that I came up with were environment and education.

Food wastes processing problem, smoke pollution, and in general, conserving the environment interested me.

For education, I want to focus on the meaning of college degree, increasing competitiveness of college applications, and intensity of high school curriculum.


TIB possible topics

I am kind of glad that my passion blog was about inspirational quotes and how it was related to my belief and life.

This I believe…dreams come true

One of my favorite quotes that I have been believing ever since I heard the quote “All dreams come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Even though this may sound like a fairy tale, I think that dreaming makes everything possible in this world. If you don’t imagine yourself in the future, how can you decide what you are going to accomplish today? A good beginning is a half the battle. Believe that dreams come true and witness that dreams actually come true.

This I believe…the power of not knowing

Before I came to Penn State, I was for sure that I like math and chemistry. I knew it. But then, after my first mid-term for chemistry, I realized that I know nothing about chemistry. The scary part is that my major was chemical engineering. I went to talk with a DUS advisor to talk about changing majors. She suggested BMB for me because I told her that I like science and that I want to work in a hospital in the future. I don’t blame her advising, but after I talked with my new academic advisor and heard what real BMB is like, I wanted to change my major again. Instead of choosing a specific major, I decided to become a DUS major. If I could graduate under DUS, I would love to. Unfortunately, I have to determine my major after my 4th semester, I am currently taking a math course, stat course, music course, veterinary and biomedical course, and computer science course to see what I like the best. Not knowing can be powerful because you gain experiences from all those trials you’ve done, and all those experience lead you to success.

RCL: Public Controversy Progress

I did two student interviews this week about their opinions on the street evangelizing. Obviously, these videos are not edited so they are not perfect, but we are working on it as a group to edit and research more about the topic for our project. So far, so good!

Public Controversy topic

Even though we are suppose to write about the two potential topics for our last project, public controversy, our group already decided on what we are going to do about on the first day. As a group, we decided to research about the evangelizing on college campus in general. However, we are planning on focusing the topic here on Penn State campus.


Evangelizing, or converting people to Christianity, can be found easily around our campus today. I see big signs almost everyday in front of the hub saying “believe in God” or “Bible is the way to heaven” and more other things I don’t really pay attention to. Of course, I can’t forget about the Willard Preacher. I heard about him even before I came to Penn State. He preaches in front of the Willard Building at the similar time, everyday. Sometimes, I stop where I was headed to and listen to him. He talks about the basic Christianity and I thought that it could be interesting for people who had no idea about this ideology.


As a Christian, I thought about other people who had different religions. If I were in their situation, the signs around the campus and the people who are willing to convert students to Christianity can be very distracting and disturbing. From here, I think the controversy arises. We all have different and distinct perspectives about things. Evangelizing could be right but also wrong at the same time.


Although I did not come up with this idea, this topic made me think about the campus life and how I viewed the converters deeper. I hope that as I go on with this group project, I will be able to clarify some questions and moot points I have right now. We will be interviewing several people in order to serve both side of the controversial topic and some students to back up the points with our opinions.




Ted Talk Reflection

This Tuesday, I gave my TED talk presentation in the small room located in the library. I’ve been to that place about five times before the actual speech and also practiced in my room by myself for about ten times before the actual presentation. I was that nervous.

When I first was introduced to this assignment, I worried so much because I remembered how I did on my speech in the beginning of the semester. This project was one step more advanced since we couldn’t use our notes to guide our talk through and the entire presentation was getting recorded.

Everything gave me pressure and I couldn’t stop thinking about myself messing it up. Though, I thought I would be fine after all those practices.

On the day of the presentation, I was actually feeling well and prepared. I ate lunch and practiced with my roommate for the last time. Then, it was the time. I stood up in front of the classmates and the camera after pressing the button that starts recording. When the bright light shined on me, I couldn’t stop shaking and stuttering. Then, unexpected situation occurred. I almost cried when I shared my own story during my speech. I did not know what to do when I felt this uncomfortable feeling arose inside and my eyes were getting wet.

I don’t know how I ended the talk, but when I came back to the room and watched my TED talk again, I realized that I didn’t do as bad as I thought. I felt regret right after for not controlling my feelings, but at the end, I think it turned out as a good example to show other people how hard it was for me to go through when I had an eating disorder. Overall, I thought the TED talk presentation went well because we all has improved from this speech and learned that practice will only make it better.

RCL: Paradigm Shift Essay Rough Draft

Evolution of the Standards of Beauty

When people talk about the beauty, a vocabulary that can be portrayed objectively and subjectively, they can be referring to the physicality, or the atmosphere and aura, or those aspects combined. Mostly, though, the beauty depicts the visual attractiveness, especially when we are dealing with women. The ideal and far-fetched beauty that many women aspire to have has changed over time and became more unattainable dream. Along with the development of the beauty, the American culture has changed too. The new perception of eating disorder and the booming of plastic surgery arose among the contemporary women. The standards of beauty evolved with the portrayal of the movie stars on the mass media, the consumer cultures and eating disorders, and the role of women in the society, which affect how the population embraces the image of the standard golden woman.

Instead of defining what the word beauty is and how it changed over time, we can use the celebrities from the time periods as symbols to represent the beauty. In the 1950s, images of women in the media seemed to focus on the glamorous with very tight waists features; the epitome of this time period movie star is known as Marilyn Monroe. Then, it surpassed to the delicate, chic, and minimal body of Audrey Hepburn in the late fifties. Later, in the 1960s, Lesley Lawson, famously known as Twiggy, illustrated the tall and thin body that is now being highlighted again. Also, she presented the anorexia trend, which promoted the excessive skinny woman as an ideal. The 80’s then returned to the voluminous body represented by Madonna Ciccone who allured both men and women. Beginning of the 90s was the era of supermodel cat walking on the runway with gorgeous body shape. Finally, the 21st century designed a beauty image of a tall, thin, glamorous, sexy, and longhair woman, such as Angelina Jolie, with more confidence than the predecessors. Generally, the body image that the mass media depicts internalizes the ideal beauty standard that changed the perspectives on the “perfect” body. Likewise, the media advocates the commercialism and continually attacks women with advertisement and merchandise. In this case, people are more likely to adopt various standards of beauty and easily integrate themselves into it. The media has a powerful influence on the way women view themselves because the perspective of the mass media expects for women to be considered attractive, fulfilling the unrealistic standards. Movie stars from the media portray a standard of beauty that is impractical and elusive for a majority of women in society.

These actresses, who are the examples of the changing beauty standards, were able to influence the audience greatly. Diet pills, eating disorder, and anorexia are all generated from the consumer culture and the broadcasting that has enabled the beauty ideal to be personalized by women in innovative but more detrimental ways than in the past.  Since people are more exposed to the civilization from teenage, the expansion of a perfect body figure initiates early and has more subtle psychological and subjective effects. With the advanced technology, the thin ideal seems to perpetuate as today’s standards. For example, rather than producing larger sized clothing, the fashion industries generate more of tininess attires in order to target those people who pursue the latest fad of beauty. The coercive but obligatory pressure that comes from the society well explains the growing number of diet products to gain attention. The images of modern definition of beauty are ubiquitous and after all allowed the factories to gain more and more power, as consumer culture began to set the standards of beauty.

Additionally, the concerns over weight and appearance brought about bad result such as eating disorder.  The thin ideal and the factories promoting superficial healthy weight loss pills are to blame the disordered eating behaviors. Since our society depend largely on the instant pleasure, and people want impractically prompt results, the number of eating disorder increased exponentially. With the edited photos and ads that are all around the streets and televisions make the model appear even thinner and more ideal. Surprisingly, however, the model herself does not posses the ideal beauty standard. According to the data, eating disorder occurs from the people who have already tried dieting or are on diet right now. Unfortunately, many people believe that the diet culture is the solution to the obesity problem in America. The social standard of beauty threatens modern young women because they believe that being thin and skinny is the definition of feminism. Maybe because people tend to judge others only by the appearance rather than personal relationship, the obsession of losing weight became the daily agony for most of the today’s women.

Since many people yearn for the instantaneous responses and feel urged to accommodate to the standard at younger ages, they become vulnerable and susceptible. Starting with the youth, they are likely to learn to judge and to enforce one another’s beauty. Avoiding the worst, the physical appearance is accentuated only in the upper class women back in the 1950s.