
The countryside has its own magical charm. It presents scenes, sights, and delightful sounds. The sounds of birds whistling in the trees and rousing the whole animal kingdom is a sign of another new day. The dense groves of the trees and the sweet sounds of the chirping birds render melodious music. The most beautiful picture of the countryside would be the lush green field, the vast landscape with farmers ploughing their fields, and women working at the wells. All of these are so enchanting that we can envy the peace of the countryside. Every afternoon, a patchwork of fields over flat ground is ideal for kids to kite flying. When night falls, lying down on a meadow or on rolling hills with strips of woodland for stargazing is the most memorable thing that a man treasures. Unlike modern cities full of dust and smoke, the countryside gives us the cool and fresh air that we could hardly find nowadays. It is rightly said that “God made the country and man-made the town” since we can find nature in its various moods and thoughts. Sometimes, people want to escape from the hustle and bustle of skyscrapers, immersing their souls deep into the serene atmosphere.

20 Best UK Countryside Towns and Villages To Relocate To

4 thoughts on “Countryside

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  2. Beautiful imagery. Make sure you break up into paragraphs and reach the minimum word count in future blogs.

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