LDT 550 – Pecha Kucha

LDT 550 had many interesting design projects and taught me how to record and edit videos to make better presentations. I also got a refresher in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator which were also helpful when designing supplemental materials. While the Pecha Kucha wasn’t my most successful project in and of itself, it showcases several successful projects from this course. Many of the slides in the Pecha Kucha describe the most successful and enjoyable project from this course: the infographic.

The first project in the Pecha Kucha presentation was an Adobe Illustrator project where we had to replicate a checkmark icon using our digital drawing abilities. This project was more difficult than it initially seemed. It forced me to focus on subtle details, curves, and gradations of color that I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed on such a simple icon. The second project was to create a logo for Design Studio. I created a logo that incorporated the outline of a human head containing a stylized brain created to look like parts of a motherboard or computer chip. My goal was to create a logo that incorporated human creativity with computers and technology.

The rest of the Pecha Kucha is devoted to the Infographic project. After learning about what makes up an infographic, I had to come up with an idea for an infographic of my own. I chose to create an infographic about the importance of art education. I relied heavily on both Photoshop and Illustrator for this project as I had to design everything myself. We were also asked to use a color scheme, which I pulled from a poster I found online using Adobe Color. After many hours of research, drawing, and working with layers, I had what I felt was a successful and well-designed infographic.


A link to the project is below.

Pecha Kucha Presentation