The success of any website, whether for business or personal use is the user’s interface. The easier an interface is to navigate the more successful and happier you and your visitors will be, but that’s not always the case. There are some interfaces out there that are so bad they shouldn’t exist, but they do. One such interface is www.ARNGREN.Net is an automotive website based in Norway that sells everything from kid’s cars and bikes to adult automotive. This website was chosen as an example because it shows exactly what a user interface shouldn’t be. As a viewer opens the website, he/she is disoriented by the different color fonts, overwhelming pictures, and poor navigation structure.
www.ARNGREN.Net Has pictures of all its products, which make it easy to know what you’re buying. However, the overwhelming number of pictures makes it difficult to differentiate between adult and kid products. Most company use colors to grab interact with its customer emotion. According to’ “colors speak to the subconscious part of your brain and help you form an impression of everything you see without even consciously registering it” this holds for companies like Mcdonald’s, Target, Starbucks…etc. when looking at, one would question the purpose of excessive fonts and color. Ideally, it may have been used to lead viewers to popular items or sale items. Lastly, the navigational structure of ARNGREN maybe seems to provide the same features as other websites. When a viewer clicks on one item it shows similar items or complimentary items. But as a viewer or customer, getting to what you want easily and fast is satisfying. For example, a viewer name tom wants to buy a lawnmower. Tom would be more satisfied seeing different brands or specifications of lawnmowers instead of bikes and boats.
There are a few things www.ARNGREN.Net can do to make its interface better. Such as creating consistency, strategically using color, and using typography to create clarity and purposeful layout. Having consistency in a user interface is extremely important to create a sense of structure for the audience. This helps them learn more about your product, idea, or message. As mentioned previously, strategically using color in a UI can help gauge the attention of your audience. Typography is a huge factor in a UI. Using different sizes, fonts and colors don’t make a UI look cool, it’s the complete opposite. Using just a few typographies that clearly and easily convey your purpose goes a long way. Last, the layout of any UI should be simple enough to make it easy to navigate. Simplicity is always best