TED Talk Reflection

I am very critical of myself so I do not think I did very well on my TED talk. I suppose I will start with what I actually think went well. I am not, and have never been a very good speaker. I’m bad at explaining things and even worse when pressured to explain a concept in front of a room of people while being recorded. So I am happy that I have grown enough to look almost comfortable in those situations while not falling on my face. I am also happy with my speed and tone. I did not talk too fast like I have in the past and was able to keep my speech in the wanted time limits.

Now there’s a lot I’m not happy with. Not only am I bad at giving speeches, but I am also bad at memorizing. Because of this I could not find myself able to memorize my speech (like everyone else did). I used notecards, which helped me remember all my points but did not help me in looking professional. Notecards prevent the speaker from fully connecting to the audience and leave awkward breaks. I am also not happy with how I presented. I forgot some points and did not fully explain some of my points to the extent that I wanted. This made my points weaker and had less support. If I could redo my speech, I would love to but I was surprised how comfortable I seemed in front of everyone. Even when I messed up or stumbled, I didn’t make faces or completely fall apart.

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