Mass shootings are the most tragic events that continue to occur and deeply impact the affected communities in our modern world. We, as a society, have been trying to rectify the issue of mass shootings through the two primary legislative goals of gun control and an increase in mental health services, but have either approaches really stemmed this issue? Through viewing the causes for mass shootings we can find a solution that is addressing the illness rather than the symptom. This solution requires the creation of high trust societies that prevent people like Elliot Rodgers, Stephen Paddock and Randy Stair from becoming disenfranchised with society and from committing their heinous acts of violence.
I think its an interesting take on a very important issue, but I’m not sure exactly from the introduction what the main argument is, I believe that you might want to elaborate on what the term “high trust societies” means as I’m unfamiliar with the word and it seems to be something which is not a common societal term.
I think this is an interesting and timely topic. Once piece of advice I would give you is to strictly focus on the metal health aspect if you are advocating for better metal health related treatment for these individuals. I think it will help if you have a clear thesis as to what solution you think would be best with dealing with mental health services. Be careful not to deter yourself in this argument though. There are many different sides to this argument that you will need to stay focused on the mental health aspect.