Why Food is the Best Thing Created

Welcome back to week nine of my blog! I hope you all have enjoyed the past eight weeks! I have enjoyed writing my favorite and the world’s favorites! But this week we are writing about why food is sooo good.

Hunger plagues India – but there's no shortage of food

It is scientifically known that with no food and no water, the maximum time the body can survive is thought to be about one week. Without food our bodies are not able to do the things we do. I can’t do any small things. We wouldn’t be alive actually. Food helps build muscle, fats, skin, hair and body growth. I am thankful for any of the food I get. This is the reason why I made this blog because for some reason I have this passion and love for food.

Without a good food diet you wouldn’t have the energy you need to keep active throughout the day. The nutrients in food is what you need for growth and repair, helping you to stay strong and healthy and help to prevent diet-related illness, such as some cancers.


Growing up with a big foodie family I am blessed to say I have tried so many different foods and shouldn’t take food for granted. I was always told not to waste food. Finish what you serve. It is with your stomach, not your eyes. It might be silly but it made me know my portions and learn not to waste food. It made me realize I am blessed to be able to eat three meals a day.  



This past semester I have been volunteering at a food dispensary for families and children in need of food. This experience has really made me appreciate everything and it makes me feel good setting up goodie boxes and sack lunches for families and children. Our Penn State Softball team actually all went two months ago and we had a lot of fun. While having fun we packaged roughly 1,400 sack lunches and over 300 boxes full of food for families. 

The reason I believe food is the best thing is because it brings people together. The fact that we have dates that are based around restaurants and foods. Or that family dinners like Thanksgiving and Christmas brings everyone together. I think food is a part of world peace. A Lot of organizations help starving children around the globe and donate food for them. Curaleaf Dispensaries Kick off Annual Community Food Drive

Food is just a word but it means a whole lot more to people who don’t hear it too much. I do 100% recommend taking time and volunteering to your local food dispensary and if not donate cans, pasta, sauce, cereal, and anything you have because it will go a long way. Food creates love and that’s why food is the best thing in the world!


Food is not simply stuff that people eat when they’re hungry. Food is awesome, delicious, inventive, colorful, inspiring, and so much more. A mutual love of food can bring different people together and can make the saddest person feel a little better without even meaning to. I love food and think you should too. Food brings people together as a way to stay connected, learn about a family member by cooking together, celebrate, learn about cultures, and provide comfort. People love food almost as much as they love each other, so together they bring happiness and joy to all. FOOD!!!! - Happy Homer | Make a Meme

That is it for this week. I hope you enjoyed this week’s blog! Feel free to ask any question in the comments if you just want to add to the blog go for it! Remember food is good for you and share it with everyone you love!

See you all next week!

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