Google Bans Paid Advertisements From Ticket Reseller Viagogo


I absolutely love going to concerts. Some people are addicted to cocaine or alcohol, I am addicted to going to concerts. So it means a lot for a large company like Google to no longer allow a risky site such as Viagogo to come up in the results when looking for concert tickets. I totally understand why Google must have felt that they needed to remove Viagogo because of all the lawsuits that Viagoao has gone right now. I just thought the fact that Google makes tons of money off of companies wanting to be on the first page of searches and for Google to ban them from showing up at its just like really rare. Like I would absolutely hate for anyone to spend hundreds of dollars buying tickets and then to find out they are fake or have been sold to multiple people. As a consumer, I really appreciate that Google has finally taken a step in removing spam sites coming up first when searching for something. I am excited to see how far Google will pursue this, meaning will Google ban other spam sites, or is it just Viagaog because of the lousy reputation that is following the company ? I guess we will have to wait and see.

“Google Bans Paid Advertisements From Ticket Reseller Viagogo.” Billboard, 17 July 2019,


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