Real Time Chat with Professor Firgens


Outside of Sparks on this nice rainy day.


Again this was an assignment that I was not looking forward too.  I thought it would be weird or awkward to show up to a professor’s office hours, but again, I was proven wrong. Professor Firgens helped me a lot with this Problem Policy Speech outline. I did not do as well as I had hoped on the assignment. I had thought I did really well and so I didn’t understand my grade, but after speaking with Firgens, I realized how complex my policy was and how I poorly organized it. He gave me tips on how to correct it and his opinion all while explaining it in a way that did not make me feel incompetent. I wish I weren’t so hesitant to go to office hours before because it would have been more helpful to accomplish this while I was writing the outline not after, but lesson learned.

I also learned a lot about him and his educational voyage. Hearing his tale of him discovering what he wanted to do at college and how it changed from what he thought it was from high school to halfway through college was enlightening. I have this great fear that I will not find out what I really want to do and I will graduate with a degree that I have no use for, then struggle to pays bills for the rest of my life. So many people talk about how the vast majority of people change their career path at least six
times, and it seems so daunting to me, but hearing a real testimony of that was a little bit reassuring.

Now that I got over the hurdle of meeting a professor during office hours, I feel I will not be as hesitant to go to more in the future.

One thought on “Real Time Chat with Professor Firgens

  1. rdn11 says:

    Office visits are a critical part of your success here at PSU. I hope you make it a habit to get to know your professors — and allow them to know you. They are also a good source of course material. Best of luck.

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