Social Media and Social Movements


The Rise of the Internet 

From newspapers to radios and televisions, to now, the Internet and social media, popular forms of media content are always changing. Currently, we live in a world run around social media and the Internet. News that was once only found in print is now broadcasted on Twitter, Facebook, and other internet outlets 24/7. With the rise of the Internet, connecting billions of people around the world in an instant social media, search engines, and apps have become an everyday part of people’s lives. Social media has stretched far from its initial purpose with social influencers now making a living promoting products, social movements allow people to use social media for political engagements, and dating apps use unique algorithms to create relationships. 

The Internet Industry

Although it might seem hard to remember a time without the Internet, it isn’t that distant. According to Media Today: Mass Communication in a Converging World, the World Wide Web was not even a thing until Tim Berners-Lee created it in 1990 (Turow). The Internet is a global system that is connected through computer networks linking billions of people together. The ability for a message to be released to the world in an instant has made social media so influential.  Used amongst all ages, but more specifically, the younger generations, social media allows people to interact with others around different content (Turow). Applications, otherwise known as apps, bring content to the audience on a phone or tablet rather than websites. Most companies have both websites and apps to convergence their material to all viewers. Along with the power of social media, many ethical issues have risen. The problem that has caused the most concern is privacy. Many users worry that the information they enter on one website can be shared amongst others. While the consumer worries about their privacy, media outlets state that this information that is given freely is used to stay competitive for advertisers (Turow). The rise of the Internet and social media has allowed for the initial purpose to spread far and impact more people.  

Social Influencers 

Being a celebrity nowadays can mean many different things. Social media allows you to connect with the actresses, sports players, or singers that you want. Nowadays, we typically refer to those online who fall under one of those categories or make personal brands with the use of social media as a “social media influencer.” Celebrities have been around since the beginning of time, but with the use of social media, “getting famous” is not as hard as it once was. Depending on their popularity in the industry, those who are social media influencers have a wide variety of audiences, and based on their followers; they have varying amounts of credibility. These influencers have caused their audiences to establish parasocial interactions. Social media has taken the idea of a celebrity to a whole new level.

The Kardashian’s have now become a household name. With the use of social media and their TV platform, there is no doubt that they have become one of the most famous families in the world. Endorsements, advertisements, and appearances are all places where the Kardashian/Jenner family has made a lot of money. While it depends on what sister is posting, it has been rumored that Kim Kardashian, with 37.9 million followers, makes $200,000 for each tweet that she posts as an endorsement. If you compare that to Paris Hilton, another media personality, who makes $80,0000, it is clear that that there is a significant difference (Kirst). On the other hand, Instagram is paying a whole lot more. Kylie Jenner, who has 141 million followers on Instagram, makes 1 million dollars per paid Instagram post (Mejia). Most of the time, these influencers do nothing for free. That can be very dangerous, depending on what they are endorsing or advertising. We cannot be certain that these celebrities are using what they are endorsing and a lot of time they advertise substances that you are putting in your body. An instance occurred where Kim Kardashian was forced to take down a post by the FDA because Kim did not evaluate any of the risks in her post, and only appreciated the benefits (Kirst). Now on any social platforms it is required to state if a post is a paid sponsorship or not. With these sponsorships influencers were able to establish brands. 

            Kylie Jenner has primarily created her empire through the use of social media and was named as the youngest self-made billionaire. This started many controversies because many people were unsure that she fit the title of self-made with her companies. Despite these controversies Kylie Skin and Kylie Cosmetics has made Kylie Jenner very successful. She started using Snapchat to advertise her products, and eventually, her products were selling out in a matter of seconds. While Kylie Jenner has been raised in a famous family, she took full advantage of it as soon as she could. The social media industry has opened many doors for influencers, but also allowed for political movements to occur. 

Social Movements 

While social media can cause a lot of harm, it has the ability to have a significant impact. One of the most well-known social movements as of today is the #BlackLivesMatter. This movement was started in 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin. While the hashtag did not get popular during this time, it eventually became an advancement that everyone was aware of. As of May 1st of 2018, the hashtag is used 17,002 times per day on average (Anderson). The effectiveness of these movements has been questioned over and over again. Social activism is critical, and social media allows us to advocate for what we believe in. Social media has also caused us to question whether or not it should be used for political gain. As the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag was getting popular, the use of the #MAGA (Make America Great Again) hashtag was also gaining momentum. According to the Pew Research Center, 67% of Americans feel that social media is effective for creating movements for social change (Anderson). Creating social change with the help of social media can be very effective if it is conducted correctly. 

Dating Apps 

Although social media being used to spread political and ethical messages, it is also used by many to find love through dating apps. In recent years dating apps have had a significant impact on marriages in society. In a study done by the University of Chicago, they determined that “more than one-third of marriages between 2005 and 2012 started online” (Marotti). The Internet is a way for people to connect, and dating sites and apps like eHarmony have allowed people to meet each other romantically. It isn’t just random luck of finding someone you’re interested in, but a specific algorithm goes behind the matchmaking of these sites. 


While some site uses facebook and comparing friends, others use a rating system to find potential dates (Marotti). An algorithm created by sites use data gathered on how the consumer interacts on different profiles and who they would be attracted to. Although these algorithms are always changing depending on the different users and activities,  dating apps are still a crucial part of how people in society meet today. According to our textbook, the Internet is a way to link and connect billions of people, and over time, this has allowed relationships to form and a new way for people to meet their significant others. 

Questions Risen From the Internet Industry 

Chapter six in Media Today went over a vast amount of factual information including  the small parts that make it function, its history, and the spawning of social media. With the chapter encompassing so much information, it created many questions pertaining to how everything is implemented. 

Many questions could be drawn from the chapter on net neutrality. The 2015 Net Neutrality decision had the potential to create massive change; it can be debated if it would have been positive or negative. Then the 2015 decision concluded that the Internet should be regulated as a “common carrier.” What exactly does that mean? It means that Internet service providers would no longer have to treat all Internet communications equally, and not discriminate or charge differently based on user, content, website, platform, application, type of equipment, or method of communication. How does the Internet compare and contrast with other common carriers such as telephone companies, water companies, and or railroads? One thing that is different between them is that the Internet is singular while telephone companies, water companies, and or railroads are plural and who are owned by many.  Will this positively or negatively impact innovation and development on the Internet? This can be debated both ways depending on opinion but will be interesting to discuss with a diverse audience. 

Another topic that can drive questions from chapter six is the duality of how mobile devices both provide Internet access and information for publications. For example, what is the difference from reading the New York Times article on its website or browsing through its mobile app? Web apps need an active Internet connection in order to function, where mobile apps have the ability to work offline. Mobile apps have the advantage of being faster and more efficient, but they do require the user to download updates, while web apps will update automatically regularly.

One last source from chapter six that may stem some questions is digital profiling and if a person’s online use represents who they are and if messages should be targeted towards a person based on their online behavior? This question has no right or wrong answer, but again, it would be interesting to hear the responses from individuals in a group. The act of monitoring a person’s behavior online may seem intrusive to most, but others may like having advertisements directed towards them on things that they may like rather than random advertisements.


In conclusion chapter six is really informative on how the Internet works and makes readers think and ask questions. Media literacy is fundamental in today’s modern economy and society, thus learning everything in the chapter has been truly rewarding. Over the last few decades the Internet and social media has allowed consumers to interact which each other around the world. As a result, social media has created an environment where social influencers, social movements, and dating apps thrive.

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