Weekly Blog – Shark attacks decreased, but sharks were in danger.

USA Today published “Shark attacks drop dramatically in ’18,” which was reported by Doyle Rice, on their newspaper on Jan. 29, 2019 (Tuesday). According to Rice, shark attacks in the United States were decreased in 2018. The average shark attacks was 84 and average kills was 6, and there was 66 unprovoked shark attacks and 4 kills in the United States in 2018, which was a great amount of decrease. However, the reason of decreased shark attacks was unknown. One possibility was the population of sharks decreased in the ocean, and the other one possibility was people followed the rules and instructions while they were on the beach. Comparing with the kills of human by sharks, there are about 100 million sharks that are killed by human every year. Shark won’t hurt people easily. Shark attacks could be prevented by following instructions of safety guide on the beach and share the ocean with marine organisms politely.

(This picture was taken by Juan Oliphant via AP, and I took it from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/01/28/shark-attacks-decline-2018-both-us-and-worldwide/2700571002/_)

This was a positive news story that indicated much less people being hurt or being killed by sharks, but on the other hand, it was critical to think about indiscriminate killing toward not only sharks, but also other marine organisms. Since this news story was mainly about the ocean life, oceanographer and people who cared about ocean would think about it seriously. It was necessary for people to increase awareness that we should share the environment with animals and protect them from being killed. To achieve this goal, influencers would play a significant role to deliver the message of protecting ocean effectively. There was a picture in the news story, which showed a girl whose name is Ocean Ramsey was swimming with a large white shark (as shown above). She learned about the ocean and was a person who would like to lead the protection sharks and ocean. From her standpoint, sharks were her friends, and to protect sharks from being killed and affected negatively by human activities, it would be an effective way that other ocean protectors and she start a petition to appeal more and more people join them. Therefore, a message from her to social media platforms would make positive effects to this issue.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to make a reply to me. Thank you.

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