My First Year Desires at the Nittany Lion’s Den

Starting out college can sometimes feel like being thrown into a hangry lion’s den with no escape. To oppose, I feel that with the right habits and a healthy schedule, befriending the “lion” and having a codependent relationship is a more than likely option. Throughout the next six weeks, I look forward to gaining a tight friend group with similar interests, gaining a strong GPA to go into Fall *knock on wood*, and being able to thrive in a student environment with no hometown distractions. Personally, anxiety is not something I go through often, but when I do it usually has to deal with managing my time well. I sometimes manage it poorly, but plan to drastically change this for college. To achieve this, I need to lessen time spent on my phone by not keeping “up to date” on instagram as much, focusing less on checking my email, and I can’t forget minimizing my time spent sending pointless pictures on snapchat. By throwing these “rubber duckies” out the window, great time management should follow.

Aside from this, I need to try harder to utilize resources given by the University such as office hours, tutoring when I struggle, and also study groups with fellow classmates. With all of this in mind, a healthy routine such as getting up at the same time, getting a good night’s rest, eating well, and staying active is CRUCIAL to my success. Over the next year, I really want to become involved in intramural or club sports like soccer or volleyball, and maybe even ultimate frisbee :). I also am interested in becoming a part of any coding clubs that may be available to further my knowledge of this language, as it would be beneficial towards my major – Biomedical Engineering. With this, I want to get involved in research related to my major and possibly even studying abroad as I’ve always been interested in travelling to across the pond. In conclusion, I would like to make three goals to achieve;

  1. By the end of my first semester, I hope to have this mammoth of a campus mapped out in my head.
  2. By the end of my first year, I hope to have a 3.5 GPA or higher *fingers crossed*.
  3. By the end of my four years, I hope to have a biomedical engineering bachelor’s degree with many achievements under my belt. With this, I hope to have my foot in the door with many future employers and have at least one internship in my college experience.