An Unfortunate Occurrence at the Creamery

Ever since my start at The Creamery, it has been smooth sailing. I’ve been able to get to work on time, do my job efficiently, and show the worker I can really be. My last shift though, did not go so well. Personally, I think bad juju reeked throughout the entire building. At the start of the day, one of the customers pulled the fire alarm and made everyone evacuate the building until the authorities came and allowed us back in. Then after that, later that night when I was cleaning the bins of ice cream and wiping the ice off of each station, I went to put the metal holder back into the freezer near the counter and bumped into the glass counter top directly above the ice cream. This made the counter top entirely shatter and go everywhere. My heart immediately dropped as I stood there looking at the damage and was wondering what even just happened. My supervisor immediately came out and her first priority was making sure everyone was safe. She then ordered what to do in this situation and where to start cleaning. I had to take every single 3 gallon ice cream in the scooping areas and throw them away since it wasn’t worth it to take the risk. After cleaning everything up, everyone was really supportive towards me and saying it wasn’t that big of a deal, “shit happens”. I really appreciated this because I felt so bad for the workers who had to help me clean up and also for the customers who couldn’t get the ice cream they wanted. At the end of the night, my life went on, it was an accident so I didn’t in trouble, and everyone was accepting of me haha. Crisis averted.

A Tale of Rewritten History: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Yet again, Quentin Tarantino stuns the public with a box office hit titled Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The movie focuses on characters Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his stunt double/gofer/best friend Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). Dalton is a washed up “has been” western film star that peaked in the early 50’s. Set in 1969, The plot follows the life of Dalton and how he learns to accept and live with the fact that his career is on the decline. Without giving the rest of movie away, Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie) is part of a sub plot that focuses on the tale of how she was murdered by the Manson Family in real life. Overall, this movie was hard to follow for me due to the fact that I did not know who Sharon Tate was or other names in the movie that were mentioned. This is all due to age, but I feel like the generation of my parents would follow this intensively since they lived through this era where Roman Polanski ruled as a director, westerners were all the rave, and drama with Sharon Tate ran rampant. After the fact, everything clicked and really showed me the genius of Tarantino after researching about this time in history. The detailed aesthetics and camera visuals were breathtaking and the writing was absolutely phenomenal.

This is not the first movie that was Tarantino’s depiction of history though. Inglourious Basterds (2009), rewrote the history of WW2 and *spoiler alert* depicted the “What If” question, what would life be like if Hitler had died during the war. An ending that was delightful to the viewers with heartbreaking counteractions made this movie iconic to not just the U.S., but to the world. Revolving around a modge-podge group of American soldiers who kill nazis for fun, this movie is a masterpiece that deserves the credit it did not receive; its more than that. Watching it for yourself will only explain why. With this in mind, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood repeats this idea of rewriting history and displays how Tarantino wanted the Manson ordeal to end up, while also throwing biographical sequences in about Hollywood celebrities of the time like Steve McQueen and Bruce Lee.

A post synopsis of this movie from myself directly ranks it at about 7.2/10. The movie took way too long to build up and I never really felt a “plot”. It was very non linear, which Tarantino loves to do, but this was non linear without a purpose. The characters and cast were what made this film, but other than that the build up was brutal. The ending came on a little too quick, but it did not cease to amaze. It consisted of little “unimportant” details intricately placed all throughout the movie coming together as one. The gore that usually comes with the name Tarantino was not apparent until the end, but it came with great vengeance and furious anger (Tarantino Pun). Without the ending the movie would be sub par, but Quentin left us in awe once again and showed his true creative colors. If you could not tell that I am a part of this director’s cultish following, I am. Anything Tarantino I’ll talk and from now on, this movie will forever be in my conversations about his world renowned talents as a writer.

The Buildup of Room Assignments

This Summer, my living arrangements have been more than great in giving my roommate and I air conditioning, a roomy dorm, and also a wide array of many food choices to eat every day. With this being said, my Summer has been a blessing. On the other hand, there has been this huge buildup on finding out room assignments for the Fall. With most incoming freshman living in Pollock or East, I hoped to obtain the newly renovated dorms in East. To my surprise though, I was assigned Curtin Hall in East, which is unrenovated. A little bit heated, I at first was mad to find out this news, but then I realized all the perks. I’d still be rooming with my best friend, the room arrangement is, in my opinion, more cozy, and three of my friends from home are in the same building as me. So with all of this being said, there is no need to get stressed out or heated about rooming assignments because it will all get worked out in the end.