Evolving Ideas Elevator Pitch

Link: https://psu.voicethread.com/share/25164129/

3 thoughts on “Evolving Ideas Elevator Pitch

  1. Your topic is really fascinating and definitely has many different things you can research. I did know a lot about what you are talking about, but I think that is because I am also interested in this topic and have done some of my own research. So, if you wanted to make the topic a little more refined you could possibly talk about the rise of TikTok and how that has affected the younger generations, seeing as a lot of the content is not super restricted and shows young kids things, they would not have been exposed to a couple decades ago. Such as protests that were happening in Paris or footage of what is happening in Israel and Palestine and how this affects young kids’ mental health and view of the world. I think what you have so far is great, the topic has a lot to explore in different realms and is a great way to explore the idea of how social media affects younger generations.

  2. 1. This is a very interesting topic that I personally have an interest in. Your topics and points sound very well rounded and it seems like you could gather lots of information. I am intrigued to learn about the addictive properties of social media use.

    2. Finding info on this topic will not be too difficult, and I recommend using the online library databases through Penn State to find more recently published information.

    3. For subtopics, you could dive into the more specific aspects of social media, possibly by focusing on one kind of social media or how a generation interacts with social media.

    4. I would try and focus a little more on the cultural shift and dependency on social media and how that idea has become more present in today’s culture.

  3. I think the topic of social media is very interesting, as it affects all of us in one way or another. I like how you discuss the positive and negative aspects of it, but I think since it is still a broad topic, it might be more effective to refine your topic a little. For research, you could find statistical surveys or reports from social media companies to give some data that you can then analyze. However, it’s important to make sure the research you find isn’t biased because lots of companies or organizations have very strong feelings about social media. For a subtopic, I think talking about just Instagram or just Twitter would work, because that way you can be more specific and get better research. Finally, I think the topic itself is obviously a changing and evolving idea on the surface, but you could dive deeper into it in your next version of this TED talk.

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