Possible Topics

For my This I Believe / The Personal is Political topics, I am thinking about writing about getting young students involved in community services and how it played a vital role in developing both me and my mother when we were in high school. Another topic I am thinking about includes my brother, how he came out to his family as transgender as well as what aspects of their lives changed after that.

For my Civic Issues topic, I believe I will continue to talk more about sustainability, more specifically on unique sustainable practices or less heard of sustainability leaders. I would also enjoy talking more about community service and it is important in childhood development.

Categories: RCL

4 thoughts on “Possible Topics

  1. Hi Josh! I really liked your ideas. The idea about talking about your brother’s experience being transgender really stuck out to me because I feel like stories like that deserved to be shared more, and I think it’s more personal than the other ideas. As for your civic issue ideas, I love the idea of writing more about sustainability and enviornemntlismf. there is so many different ways you can take this idea and I look froward to reading about them more in the future!

  2. Hi Josh, I enjoyed reading about your different ideas. I definitely would love to hear you expand on the topic of how being involved in community service helped you. It is also interesting how it played a part in your mother’s life as well! I also would love to hear about the story of your brother coming out as transgender, as I believe that could be quite moving. I also think sustainability is a very important topic to be discussed, and would love to hear more about your ideas towards this matter. I also think its great that you can incorporate community service to childhood development, as it relates to you. I cannot wait to read more!

  3. Hi, Josh! I really like your two examples for the “This I Believe” assignment and your PP blog. For your “This I Believe” assignment, I could see you taking an angle noting your belief in enabling others to help their community. Telling a story about how your experience in getting others involved in their community would be very impactful and a special way of emphasizing something most people take for granted. The story about brother coming out as transgender would work perfectly for your PP blog as many anti-trans legislation have been spreading across the nation recently. Talking about sustainability for your Civic Issues blog would also do well as energy and the environment are pressing issues in our current climate crisis.

  4. I think that these are great ideas! I also really got involved in community service in high school and would be interested in hearing someone else’s story about it. Community engagement is so important like you said so this would be a great topic. Same goes for the discussion around sustainability that you mentioned doing for your civic issues blog. Telling you brothers and family story around him coming out as trans would be an interesting personal is political blog especially with how many laws are being discussed regarding trans people.

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