WIP: Advocacy Progress

1) So, I didn’t have a very good idea to begin with about what my advocacy project should be, but once I took into consideration some of the suggestions that Anne made as a comment on my last post, I realized my original idea wasn’t going to cut it. I’ve decided to go a bit more with the satirical angle, and feature a few mock news articles. I developed one possible headline: “Creationists Thrilled at Discovery of Two New Gaps in Evolutionary Record” The intent of the article would be to point out the common tactic of evolution’s opponents to shift the goalposts of what is sufficient evidence for evolution. I’m currently working on how to word any satirical article such that it would remain informative and relevant to those who are not as familiar with the subject as I am.

2) Is this a sufficient choice? I know that you suggested this as a possible option, but I don’t know if you want me to be a bit more creative in coming up with it on my own. Apologies, I’m not very good at this.

One thought on “WIP: Advocacy Progress

  1. Anne Kretsinger-Harries

    Hi, Jeff:

    I think that taking a satirical angle for this project will prove to be a lot of fun! Although I suggested this idea in reply to your last post, you actually gave me the original idea through your example from the Onion. This new direction you’re suggesting will be a great fit for the project, and I love the idea you’ve posed for a possible headline. 🙂 Satire and parody — increasingly — are popular means of distributing news information and of advocating change in belief and action. I’m glad you’re pursuing this mode for your project! (Just for kicks, you might want to explore the Adbusters site. They do a lot of visual parodies and culture jamming, but you still might find it interesting: https://www.adbusters.org/)


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