Category Archives: Passion Blog Extras

Week 3: Dear Esther Extras

Level 1: The Lighthouse

For anyone interested, I’ve posted a video of Dear Esther. It’s a bit different from the previous snippet in what it describes and how it handles the story, but it is nevertheless brilliant. If anything, I would suggest keeping it on in the background and simply listening if you have to. Dear Esther has probably the best video game soundtrack of all time, and I do not say this lightly by any means. If anyone’s interested in that, here’s a link to one of my favorite songs in the game. It’s rather lengthy, but if you’re a fan of this kind of somber, mysterious music using somewhat classical instruments, you will enjoy it.

Week 2: Portal Extras

Since I feared my actual post was becoming a little too long, I thought I’d throw in some extra content here. For anyone who may be unfamiliar with the way a first-person game works, or who is curious about what the elements I talked about actually sound like in the game, I’ve recorded the first fifteen minutes or so of the game and uploaded it here.

And as a little added bonus, here are some of my other favorite lines from Portal, that didn’t make it into the main post:

As part of an optional test protocol, we are pleased to present an amusing fact. The device is now more valuable than the organs and combined incomes of everyone in *subject hometown here*.

Unbelievable. You *subject name here* must be the pride of *subject hometown here*.

Test subjects exposed to high-yield Gamma-leaking portal technology are informed that they may be informed of applicable regulatory compliance issues. No further compliance information is required, and you are an excellent test subject.

We will stop enhancing the truth in 3… 2… 1… *static*