The Digital Death of Communication

(photo composition by John Dibert)

The Digital Death of Communications

“If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.”
~ Frank Lloyd Wright, Famous Architect

Frank Lloyd Wright’s words builds toward a growing dichotomy in contemporary communications: the contrast between increased opportunity to communicate and decreased ability to communicate effectively. Writing for Odyssey, Katherine Phillips approached the topic in her December 19th article: “The Truth About Communication in the Modern Era: Technology Has Made Communications Worse, Not Better.” I agree with many of Katherine Phillips’s points; I find myself increasingly immersed in a world cluttered with sounds, beeps, and clicks, rather than one with meaningful communication. Through the blueprint of Phillips’s writing, I investigated my own thoughts. Perhaps Frank Lloyd Wright was onto something all those years ago.

Phillips Posits

Katherine Phillips asserts her view: technology has altered the mentality and methods by which contemporary society approaches relationships. And I agree with this view. Anecdotally, I often find that friendships, familial interactions, and even romantic relationships are filled with more-shallow and less effective styles of communication. According to Phillips, “texting has changed the communication aspect of many relationships.” In saying this, Philips points out that the immediate nature of contemporary communication ruins the excitement and anticipation of seeing a potential romantic flame again. I also agree with this view but opine that her characterization of the problem does not go far enough. I posit that—even prior to attempting to communicate—the mindset behind approaching communication is already shallow because many people have been conditioned (by apps and technology) to have the next potential match or swipe on standby. This can create an artificial shallowness to even attempt to get to know somebody, and it is an example of Phillips’s own (as she explains in her article) thesis: technology has altered the mentality and methods by which contemporary society approaches relationships.


Phillips points out that even the idea of verbally speaking to another human being for long periods of time is alien to contemporary society’s method of thinking. She says both that, “making a phone call terrifies some people…” and that “we have also lost basic conversation skills which has affected how we interact with people in person.” Here too, am I in agreeance. I have faced the challenge of receiving silent awkwardness while working on group projects and interacting with peers and colleagues.

Though, I suppose it is not all bad. Due to the inability of many in contemporary society to communicate verbally (as well as in standard written form,) I stand out as a (successful) Communications student—and I have increasing value in the job market. In a contemporary world which struggles with human interaction, ability to have a (for a lack of better words) “normal” conversation with another human being is something for which many employers are willing to pay. I agree with Philips’s assessment (and do so somewhat gleefully).


Phillips closes by mentioning that technology further ruins relationships and communication by creating a society in which ignoring a message is, in the context of an immediate-response culture, a way which you can socially snub someone. Rather than one person expressing that they would no longer like to engage in discourse with another, the trend has become to simply take a long time to respond and hope they get the idea. I have had some experience with this, and it is a cultural change upon which I heavily frown. I consider myself to be an adult, and—as an adult—I prefer honesty and transparency. If a peer wishes to no longer engage in social interaction, expression of that and the clear dissolution of our social contract with one is magnitudes-more preferable than lingering in the digital text-laden void of nothingness. So, I will now close in much the same manner as Phillips: I too believe that technology often ruins rather than aids relationships and communication. Frank Lloyd Wright poured the foundation; Katherine Philips built the house, and now my own thoughts are living in it.


  1. John, I really enjoyed reading the article as I have the same feelings about communication through technology as you and those you have mentioned. It is true that “real” communication is hard to come by these days due to the excessive use of the digital world. Just becasue technology is allowing us to improve communication from far distances does not mean we should revert to it all the time. It was so nice to see this point of view as so many people have immersed themselves in digital communication.

  2. Great topic! I agree with many of your points as I have experienced much of this first hand also (anxiety and awkwardness of phone calls) due to the “norm” of communication now being texting. This issue may affect young generations more because it seems they are growing up playing on tablets and cellphones more than ever.

  3. John,
    I loved the picture you used it was an excellent attention grabber which reflected what the focus of this article was on. This digital communication has such an impact on how communication is performed and even the performance of communication itself. I think you did an excellent job reflecting on the author’s points and discussing where she lacks in her explanation.

  4. John,
    Your topic pulled me in, because it is something that I think about (and struggle with) on the daily. When I text someone, I almost always feel like my true emotion is not being shown, no matter what emoji I use. I am a sarcastic person, which can come off as rude in a text. I also agree with your view on being ignored. It can be difficult when someone just doesn’t answer you. The worst thing about texting for me is feeling like I’m annoying the person with my texts. This takes away my opportunity to meet someone and really get to know them.
    I enjoyed reading your blog and related to it greatly!

  5. John,
    This is definitely a relevant topic in today’s society. It worries me that people have developed this phobia of communicating verbally because it is so important in both the professional and social world. I can relate to the point of ignoring a text message as being offensive and a way to “cut” people off, however, verbal communication is always key in my opinion.

  6. John,
    As soon as I saw communication in the title you automatically reeled me in. I am a communications major and verbal communication is huge. I agree we’ve went away with types of communications because of technology. If you would like to collaborate and talk more about communications just let me know! I really enjoyed this.

  7. This was such a good read. I loved both how informative it was and how you presented the information. I especially liked the section on phobia and how I can relate the content to many of my own experiences. Thanks for sharing the importance of this topic and giving me more to think about.

    I am also happy that it led to a higher value in the job market.

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