My C*-algebra notes (from the Fall 2015 course) are now on AMS Open Math Notes. You can find them here.
My C*-algebra notes (from the Fall 2015 course) are now on AMS Open Math Notes. You can find them here.
I am putting the notes from my K-theory course online as they are available. You can find them here.
I am starting with a purely algebraic development, as in the first few chapters of Milnor, but will soon dramatically change gear and talk about C*-algebras.
We had the interesting surprise of having a TV reporter in our class the other day. You can view his report/interview here.
I wonder if you know about the AMS Open Math Notes project? I only just heard of it, but I feel very positive about any projects that make mathematical content more freely available. Here is the link to the AMS page about the project:
As my students know, I’ve made a habit over the years of putting together TeXed notes for the courses I deliver – especially graduate courses – and now I have quite a number of them. With some pressure on my time (read: cancer) there is no way that I could bring all of these to formal publication, even if that was the right route for them. But as “MathNotes” I can see that they might be helpful. So I’m going to start submitting them, perhaps after light revision, to the AMS site. I made a start today by posting my notes from the Penn State complex analysis (graduate) course, which I’ve delivered three or four times, taking a slightly different tack each time. Based on what I learn from that, I have a good queue of other notes to submit as well. This is actually quite exciting for me.
Updated, December 20th: The notes have now appeared on the OpenMathNotes site, and may be found here.
In further exciting (to me) AMS news, my Winding Around made it to their 2016 bestseller list! Because of this, the AMS is offering a special discount for orders placed between now and the end of January…
I hope to upload further packages of notes in the new year! Best wishes to all!
Here is the follow-up lecture (second of two) on coarse index theory. I tried to bear in mind that the conferees in Germany had heard quite a few presumably much more detailed presentations in between by lectures 1 and 2, so I attempted to give a fairly “big picture” overview. I had prepared to talk about several examples that I didn’t have time to discuss, so you will find some slides at the end of the presentation below that were not talked about in the video.
Here’s the video of Lecture 2:
And here is the link to the corresponding slides. Hope you find the presentation helpful and enjoyable!
I gave the first of the two coarse index theory lectures yesterday. The Polycom equipment makes a recording as standard, and I have uploaded it to YouTube. So, you can take a look. Is this an effective way to communicate mathematics? It seemed to me to work pretty well.
I reviewed the basic definitions of the coarse index and then presented the always-elegant example of the partitioned manifold index theorem. It seemed as though the presentation could be followed well enough by the German audience; only the business of asking and answering questions was a bit clunky. Here is a direct link to the slides.