There are very few things that affect the entire globe as much as world hunger. The entirety of the globe suffers from the tragedy of not having enough food for everyone to live healthy lives. In 2021, despite 10% of United State citizens being food insecure, the United States voted against making food a right in a United Nations draft. The majority of the world was outraged by America’s decision to vote no, and people believe that America cooperating with the United Nations is the key to ending world hunger. In contrast, The World Food Programme’s goal is to never stop fighting to end world hunger, and this decision is the polar opposite of America’s decision. As the United States voted against making food a right for everyone around the world, the World Food Programme is doing the opposite as they strive to make food a basic human right. Both of these artifacts also display the United Nations Sustainability Goal of world hunger.
Not much but this is what I have so far.
John, although you are not yet finished, what you have so far for your essay is absolutely amazing! You make some really good points in the opening paragraph that are really important to learn about. I am so excited to see how you bring the rest of the outline to life. Hunger is a topic that needs to be talked about more, so it is very beneficial that you are.
This is a really strong introduction! I think you’ve set yourself up very well for the rest of your essay with it, and I look forward to reading more as it comes together!