The first topic I have been looking at is the student loans crisis. This would be a great topic because it deals with something that most of us are navigating now and is the reason a lot of people decide to not pursue a college education. Economists project an accumulated student loan debt of $2 trillion by 2021 and that’s two years before most of us graduate.. so just imagine what it’ll be by 2023. Not only are people trying to figure out how to rid of this debt but the country as a whole has begun to look at underlying factors. This includes the total price of obtaining a degree, the loan programs that have been set up and even the high salaries that professors are given. All these factors lead to another array of questions making the topic even more diverse.
The second topic I looked into was how should we deal with sex work and whether or not it should be decriminalized. The job market is forever changing and with the rise in sex workers people are beginning to feel some ways. While some say its necessary that it is decriminalized in order to ensure safety, establish respect and gain possible health benefits, others feel as though the decriminalization will lead to the development of yet another exploitive community. I find this especially important because I do consider myself as a feminist and in addition to that I am a person of color. The decriminalization of sex work further pushes not just women, but women of color and transgender women into a deeper realm of marginalization.
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