Our project looks at whether or not college should be free. Through out the project we look at 3 major factors including the potential effect on taxpayers, the European collegiate system vs the American collegiate system and graduation rates/ enrollment. We also plan to answer the following questions :
- Would making college free decrease the value of bachelor’s degrees?
- Would the tax increase be more detrimental than the actual price of college?
- Would making college free increase the competition to get in?
- Would students work as hard if it is free?
- America’s Collegiate System vs Europe’s Collegiate System
- Would this allow lower income families to escape their “poverty circle”?
- Would the number of dropouts decrease?
Evidence wise, we’ll be collecting data from the 1970’s up until now regarding the overall shift in the price of college. Most data will come from online resources and files since we are looking at things such as tax increases and student enrollment percentages. I think there will be a few difficulties with this topic but it is very broad so there is access too many resources and a lot of data we can incorporate. The broadness of this topic may hurt us because it is a lot of information we are trying to fit into a short video so we have to ensure its not too overpowering with information as well as there is the fact that another group is doing a similar topic so we have to ensure we stay within our boundaries so that nothing overlaps but overall, the hardest part will probably all the work is done on time considering how busy these lat two weeks can get.
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