Jose Laboratory

Pumpkin carving at Pell Laboratory

The lab gathered to celebrate the season by carving pumpkins at Pell labs. Great job everyone!  

Anastazia Jablunovsky awarded McCarl Scholarship

Fourth year graduate student Anastazia Jablunovsky was selected by the BMMB graduate program core committee to receive the 2024 Richard L and Norma L McCarl Graduate Scholarship for her outstanding research and contributions to the school. Congratulations Anastazia!

Anqi Wang selected as Eberly College of Science spring 2024 student marshal

Our superstar undergraduate researcher Anqi Wang has been selected as the Eberly College of Science spring 2024 student marshal! So proud of all your achievements Anqi!

Jose lab welcomes two postdoctoral researchers

Jose Lab welcomes new postdoctoral researchers, Dr. Higo Fernando Santos Souza from Brazil and Dr. Sydney Majowicz, who graduated from our lab! We are excited to see your accomplishments in alphavirus and flavivirus research!

Katerina Ochkovskaya wins SURF Award

Congratulations, Katerina! Our talented undergraduate researcher, Katerina Ochkovskaya, wins a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) award from the BMB department for her outstanding Zika virus work and commitment to continuing research in the Jose Lab. For more information about Katerina’s award, check out the information below. Penn State SURF Award

Meghan Donaldson selected for the CEEZAD BSL-3 summer program

Our first-year graduate student, Meghan Donaldson, from the BMMB program, has been selected for the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD) BSL-3 Summer Training Program at Kansas State University, sponsored by the USDA. Congratulations, Meghan! For details, check out the link. CEEZAD Summer training program

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