Civic Artifact Speech Intro

Would you spend a 120 dollars on a plan white t-shirt? Now, let me rephrase that question. Would you spend a 120 dollars on a plain white t-shirt from the Yeezy collection? Chances are, your interest in that t-shirt spiked as soon as I mentioned Kanye West’s infamous clothing line. When we see or hear about celebrities, our brains immediately recognize them the same way we would recognize close family or friends. Consumers generally place a higher value on products that a celebrity endorses because it is as if they are receiving advice from a valued friend. Most of the products sold this way are not required for survival, yet, consumers feel more sympathetic towards the brand and feel the pressure to be a part of the latest fad. This 20th century Marlboro advertisement utilizes the commonplace of following a trendy celebrity endorsement solely for the need to fit into societies latest fads.

Posted in RCL

One thought on “Civic Artifact Speech Intro

  1. This is a great intro. The hyperbole here is very attention grabbing and should be very effective for your audience!

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