“God! Always deaf with those headphones of yours. wheew” My panting friend exhaled as she pull me back by my shoulder as she caught up to me. “Oh hey. My bad, I had no idea you were calling my name.”
Hitting the shuffle button on my chill playlist on the way to classes had become muscle memory at this point. What I dread the most are those days I wake up at 7:55 for an 8 AM and forgetfulness would result in a power walk to class listening to my sniffles through the cold, the countless “I’m, like, exhausted” small talks with friends, and despite all this… silence. I know a day I forget my headphones is going to be a whole new level of misery. But I didn’t want to ruin my whole day over such a trivial thing.
So, I listened to the better things. Can you believe that birds don’t just chirp in movies? And apparently it’s possible to laugh so loud on the way to an 8 AM? A whole new perspective to the same old world. It wasn’t as bad not having All We Got blaring in my ears as prep for a two hour lecture.
Nevertheless, I went back to listening to music on the way to classes. It was too engraved into my daily routine for me to go cold turkey. But, I occasionally practiced this newly discovered version of silence. I thought about other aspects of my life that were clouded with noise. The most obvious noise immediately pinged in the palm of my hands. One following another. It just kept pinging and vibrating and clicking and tapping and criticizing. Feeling overwhelmed I held down the 29 by 29 pixel app until it started shaking and tapped the x that appeared on the top left hand corner.
I believe in the power of silence. Silence from the clamor of over 2 billion strangers who are humored by a baby covered in peanut butter, as well as, a troubled adult who committed suicide on a live stream. Extremes such as this makes me question what the boundaries are and if there was ever one to begin with. And maybe that was the point. To eliminate boundaries between individuals in a society.
However, recently it’s as if these boundaries are being forced to be established inside our minds. The pressure to conform to an idea because of its popularity is not a new concept. It is nature for human beings to seek validity and acceptance. So when your values don’t fall in line with accepted actions you create boundaries between the unconventional ideas you actually believe in and the ideas you have been told are right.
Five blue letters, S H A R E, spell angst, unknowingness, a little bit of risk. But if a minimum of 257 faithful followers accept your post to be worthy of a like and maybe even a comment, then it would’ve all been worth it. But, at what cost are we giving into all this noise.
We all know these platforms benefit off of “ego-baiting”. And we’re definitely not strangers to the fact that a person, who you have spoken to maybe once in your life, has the ability to track every move you make through snap maps. But when the effects of positive reinforcement is almost as powerful as hard drugs, it’s not hard to see why it’s so favored and the negative aspects, no matter how bad, will be justified as “Oh, that’ll never happen to me.”
Now, I am kind of a hypocrite in that I do not fully practice what I preach. I still dabble in a fair amount of social media. However, I consciously limit the amount of my life I dedicate to these apps. It is important to know a world outside of social gratification online for at least an hour, even a day, or maybe even a week. It is important to shine a spotlight on the disregarded opinions in your head, so that you can form your own opinions and decide things for yourself.