With how much of the labor force has already been delegated to automation over the past few decades many fear that their job will be next. There are entire websites dedicated to trying to pinpoint exactly how possible it is that an automated machine will take over a specific job, and with the already fickle job market one must wonder how bright the future looks for the future generations to come. It is up to us to decide how far we will take automation, but first all of the facts should be at the forefront.
25% of all jobs could be made redundant within the next 15 years, and these are considered conservative estimates. This could put a huge amount of people out of a job, potentially damaging millions of families. These estimates range anywhere between 25% and 50% of all jobs in the united states, putting many of us at risk. However there is another side to this statistic; with the implementation of newer and improving technology, this will also create higher-skilled jobs to build and maintain these machines, as well as to program and design new ones. On top of this, there will also be a need for workers alongside robots for jobs like quality control. While this might not make up the huge deficit, it has the potential to help as well as hurt.
So the job market could benefit or be reduced by quite a large margin, however the economy will almost certainly benefit. With the lowered cost and increased production, countries that buy into automation will experience GDP growth of an annual average of .37%, and by 2030 the worldwide GDP is projected to increase by 15.7 Trillion dollars.
We must be careful with how far we take automation, as it has the potential to completely change our entire world. If entire countries are built around automation, what will become of it if it becomes the target of cyber attacks? These are the risks we must calculate before putting all our eggs in this mechanical basket.
How at risk is YOUR job to being automated?: https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/
Thank you for reading and tell me what you think in the comments!