An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Like I warned a couple of weeks ago, this post will be focused on how and what I eat in order to stay as healthie as I can! I am no doctor or dietician, but I have experimented with different diets, and I believe that my current habits work for me the best.

Every morning that I do not sleep until noon, I never skip breakfast. Usually it’s just an apple and some dry cereal or a granola bar but it works. I accompany that with drinking water… it starts my metabolism and wakes me up.

Throughout the day, I always carry snacks with me and drink plenty of water; I never let my body go hungry. In the past, I have tried to eat less, but I just end up being miserable and see no results because I would eat a gigantic meal at night.

Image result for isagenix packets

Regarding what I drink, I only ever drink water, and I drink lots of it. Occasionally I will drink green or black tea or the brand “Isagenix” (I really recommend this when you’re feeling sick) but never sugary drinks and no coffee. Both sugar and caffeine make me crash. I never understood hype around soda, and I can honestly say that I have never drank a full cup/can of it

For lunch and dinner, I try to eat as much vegetables and fruit as possible. I am not a big fan of the meat here as protein, but occasionally I will eat grilled chicken. I have found that it is all about proportions and never limiting yourself to certain foods. If I am in the mood for pizza and fries, I usually will get them even though I know it’s not the best option. However, I have learned to appreciate fruits and vegetables because my mindset is that they’re the only foods that don’t need anything added to them to maintain their flavor. I am not a calorie counter but I am conscious eater, and try to limit how much sugar I take in and how many calories.

I have never been much of a sweet tooth, but I do enjoy ice cream and a cookie now and then. Instead of having dessert every day though, I’ll limit myself to once or twice a week. As a replacement, I will drink tea or have an apple. In fact, I eat an apple after every meal every day. Apparently, it turns fat to energy, but IImage result for applesdon’t know how true that is. Regardless, they taste good (especially with peanut butter).

When I am not at school and I have more grocery stores around me and machinery to make food, I will make a hardy smoothie for a meal or try out different recipes. When I have complete control over what I am eating, I feel so much better. I think eating and staying healthie is all about mindset and having and knowing the right resources, so research on various food related topics is essential.

Stay healthie!

One comment

  1. Lori Bedell · February 22, 2019 at 1:24 pm ·

    Be sure you’re proofreading for spelling, grammar and punctuation.