Blog Post 5

How to Write with Flair was extremely helpful in improving my writing, especially on shorter pieces like the blog posts. It has given me the ability to better convey my message even in small amounts. Chapter one was great with helping me to realize how influential verb choices can be. It may seem like a small piece in writing, but verb choices set the tone and captivate the audience. Strong verbs separate bad writing from quality writing.  Audiences decide very quickly if they are going to pay attention to what you have to say, so you better pull the listener in. Brevity and clarity are two aspects that I always try to incorporate in my writing. Growing up, I always heard my dad say “this could have been sent in an email” about a business call or meeting he had attended. Now that I am older, I fully understand what he meant. When people drag meetings and similar events out, I become frustrated that my time is being wasted.

10 Essential Tactics to Captivate Your Audience

Chapter two helped me a lot with punctuation choices, and I feel that it ties in well with chapter one. With strong verb choices and properly placed punctuation, it can make a big difference in writing, and I know it has helped mine.  Both chapters offer loads of useful information on making your writing better. 16 Hilarious Memes About the Importance of Grammar and Punctuation.

I would also like to try incorporating some puns and other types of word play in my writing. It is something I have not done before, but I feel would help in connecting to the reader. If writing can be made funny or relatable in the right scenario it makes the piece that much better.  How to Write with Flair was a great tool to improve my writing from many different perspectives. The different methods to improve writing were why I enjoyed it, because it was not just one or two suggestions.


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