Advocacy Memo

Justin Malley | Advocacy Project Memo How can students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to take control of their finances? This PSU site designed specifically for PSU students sheds light on the reality of current students’ financial situations and connects them to the resources, classes, and organizations that will prepare them for a life […]

Advocacy Project Partners

The potential partners for this project are PSECU and/or Robinhood. Within both of their companies, each one has specific departments dedicated to helping college students become acclimated to their services. Each organization knows that they are likely to be who is introducing students to services such as credit/debit cards or stock portfolios, so they already […]

Issue Brief Outline

Exordium (beginning) Is Two Parties Enough? As we all know, the two party style of America’s political system inherently promotes the idea that one party is the winner and must capitalize on their opportunity in office while the losing party must oppose the winning party so that they will not lose too much progress from […]

Deliberation Reflection:

This past Thursday I attended a deliberation in the Fraser Street Commons about educating children and young adults with special needs (both mental and physical) titled “Educate Me: Providing Equitable Education for Children with Special Needs”. When I first arrived, I was shocked by their turn out. I showed up just before the event began […]

College isn’t what it used to be…

If you’re reading this, odds are you are in college or have graduated from college. So, why did we come here? There was a time when college was not necessary for success in the “real-world”, but why isn’t that time now? What could have possibly happened that turned college from a privilege to a necessity? […]

Proud Boys Making Noise

Before last week, most of us didn’t know who the Proud Boys were, and, admittedly, I think we still don’t know much. Although I feel like there is a lot more to uncover about who these people are, we have been able to hold very interesting discussions about their presence and impact on communities. After […]

Civic Artifact: The Sequel

Michael Jordan is arguably one of the most recognizable names in sports history. Although everyone recognizes his name, I believe that few truly know the trajectory of his career. Jordan played 15 seasons in the NBA: 1984-1993 with the Bulls, 1995-1998 with the Bulls, and 2001-2003 with the Wizards. So, you might be wondering what […]