Publications on Alcohol Advertising and Alcohol Pricing

1) “Effect of Regulation on Alcoholic Beverage Consumption,” Alcohol & Drug Abuse Reviews, Fall 1990, 223-243.

2) “State Monopolies and Alcoholic Beverage Consumption,” Journal of Regulatory Economics, March 1990, 83-98. (Cited 829 F. Supp 543, 1993, 44 Liquormart v. R.I.  

3) “Advertising and U.S. Alcoholic Beverage Consumption: System-Wide Estimates” (w/ J. Moran), Applied Economics, December 1995, 1225-1236.

4) “Perspective on Alcohol Advertising: Brand Recall or Market Expansion?” Dimensions, Penn State University, Spring 1997, 1-3.

5) “Broadcast Advertising and U.S. Demand for Alcoholic Beverages,” Southern Economic Journal, April 1999, 774-790.

6) “Long-Run Demand for Alcohol: A Cointegration Analysis” (w/ E. Coulson & J. Moran), in Advertising and Differentiated Products (JAI Press, 2001), pp. 31-54.

7) “Do Advertising Bans Work? An International Comparison” (w/ D.J. Young),   International Journal of Advertising, 20(3), 2001, 273-296.

8) “Alcohol Advertising and Advertising Bans: A Survey of Research Methods, Results, and Policy Implications,” in Advertising and Differentiated Products, (JAI, 2001), pp. 239-295.

9) “Study: Ads Don’t Add to Liquor Use” (w/D. Young), Electronic Media (Crain), 21(6), February 11, 2002, p. 8.

10) “Advertising Bans, Monopoly, and Alcohol Demand: State Panel Evidence,” Review of Industrial Organization, 22(1), February 2003, 1-25.

11) “Advertising Bans in the United States,” in EH.Net Encyclopedia (R. Whaples, ed.), May 2004, 29pp. On-line at

12) “Beer Advertising and Marketing Update: Structure, Conduct, and Social Costs,” Review of Industrial Organization, 26(3), January 2005, 269-306

13) “Advertising, Alcohol, and Youth,” Regulation: Cato Review of Business & Government, 28(2), Summer 2005, 40-47.

14) “Alcohol Advertising in Magazines: Do Beer, Wine, and Spirits Ads Target Youth?” Contemporary Economic Policy, 24(3), July 2006, 357-369

15) “Reply to Siegel, Jernigan, et al.: Alcohol Advertising in Magazines and Disproportionate Exposure,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 26, Jul 2008, 493-504.

16) “Distilled Spirits: Spirited Competition or Regulated Monopoly?” in V. Tremblay & C. Tremblay (eds.), Industry and Firm Studies (M.E. Sharpe, 2007), pp. 119-157.

17) “Effects of Youth, Price, and Audience Size on Alcohol Advertising in Magazines” (w/ D.J. Young), Health Economics, 17(4), April 2008, 551-556.

18) “Alcohol Advertising Bans, Consumption, and Control Policies in Seventeen OECD Countries, 1975-2000,” Applied Economics, 42(7), March 2010, 803-823.

19) “Alcohol, Unemployment Rates, and Advertising Bans: International Panel Evidence, 1975-2000,” Journal of Public Affairs, 10(1-2), February-May 2010, 74-87.

20) “Measurement Problems in Assessing Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising in Magazines,” Journal of Adolescent Health, 46(4), April 2010, 403-04

21) “What is Learned from Longitudinal Studies of Advertising and Youth Drinking and Smoking? A Critical Assessment,” International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 7(3), March 2010, 870-926. Open Access at:

22) “Alcohol Marketing, Adolescent Drinking, and Publication Bias in Longitudinal Studies: A Critical Survey using Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Economic Surveys, 25(2), April 2011, 191-232.

23) “Alcohol Marketing Policy: The Missing Evidence,” Addiction, Sep 2012, pp. 1708-09.

24) “Not So Fast! Evidence-Informed Alcohol Policy Requires a Balanced Review of Advertising Studies,” in C.J. Pardun (ed.), Advertising and Society: An Introduction, 2nd ed. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), pp. 87-95.

25) “Economic and Demographic Factors in U.S. Alcohol Demand: A Growth-Accounting Analysis,” Empirical Economics, March 1997, 83-102.

26) “Hard at Play! The Growth of Recreation in Consumer Budgets, 1959-1998,” Eastern Economic Journal, Winter 2001, 35-53.

27) “How Similar are Youth and Adult Alcohol Behaviors? Panel Results for Excise Taxes and Outlet Density,” Atlantic Economic Journal, 36(1), March 2008, 89-104.

28) “National Minimum Drinking Age Act,” in Consumer Survival: An Encyclopedia of Consumer Rights, Safety, and Protection (ABC-CLIO, 2013), p. 663-65.

29) “Meta-Analysis of Alcohol Price and Income Elasticities – with Corrections for Publication Bias,” Health Economics Review, 3:17, July 2013. Open Access at:

30) “Does Heavy Drinking by Adults Respond to Higher Alcohol Prices and Taxes? A Survey and Assessment,” Economic Analysis & Policy, 43(3), December 2013, 265-91. At;

31) “Robust Demand Elasticities for Wine and Distilled Spirits: Meta-Analysis with Corrections for Outliers and Publication Bias,” Journal of Wine Economics, 8(3), 2013, 294-317.

32) “Estimating the Price Elasticity of Beer: Meta-Analysis of Data with Heterogeneity, Dependence, and Publication Bias,” Journal of Health Economics 33, January 2014, 180-87.

33) “Alcohol Affordability and Alcohol Demand: Cross-Country Trends and Panel Data Estimates, 1975-2008,” Alcoholism: Clinical Exp Res, 34(4), Apr 2014, 1167-75.

34) “Economic Research Studies on Heavy Drinking and Alcohol Prices: What do Systematic Reviews Demonstrate?” Wine & Viticulture Journal, 29, July 2014, 61-2.

35) “Gender Differences in Alcohol Demand: A Systematic Review of the Role of Prices and Taxes,” Health Economics, 23(10), October 2014, 1260-80.

36) “Reply to Ludbrook, Holmes and Stockwell: Gender Differences in Alcohol Demand,” Health Economics, 23(10), October 2014, 1284-86.

37) “Binge Drinking and Alcohol Prices: A Systematic Review of Age-Related Results from Econometric Studies, Natural Experiments and Field Studies,” Health Economics Review, 5: art6, February 2015. Open Access: doi 10.1186/s13561-014-0040-4.

38) “Reply to the Critics on ‘Binge Drinking and Alcohol Prices,’” Health Economics Review, 6:art6, January 2016. Open Access: https://doi 10.1186/s13561-016-0084-8.

39) “Comment on Paldam, ‘Meta-Analysis in a Nutshell,’” Economics E-Journal, 2015.

40) “Alcohol Prices and Mortality due to Liver Cirrhosis: Robust Regression Results for the European Union, 2000-2010,” SAGE Open, 5(2) April-June 2015, 1-11. Open:

41) “Alcohol Prices, Taxes, and Alcohol-Related Harms: A Critical Review of Natural Experiments in Alcohol Policy for Nine Countries” (w/ A. McNall), Health Policy, 20(3), March 2016, 264-72.

42) “Economic Evidence Regarding Alcohol Price Elasticities and Price Responses by Heavy Drinkers,” Public Health Open J, 1(2), 2016, 36-9, art1000PHOJ1108. Open Access at:

43) “What Happens to Drinking when Alcohol Policy Changes? A Systematic Review of Five Natural Experiments for Alcohol Taxes, Prices, and Availability” (w/ A. McNall), European Journal of Health Economics, 18(4), April 2017, 417-34.

44) “Evaluation of Minimum Price for Alcohol (MPA) Bill in Wales.” Invited written evidence submitted to HSCSC Committee, National Assembly Wales, # 6 (Nov. 2017)

45) “Effects of Alcohol Taxation on Prices: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pass-Through Rates” (w/ J. Moran). B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 20(1), Jan 2020, art20190134. Open:

46) “Pass-Through Rates for Alcohol Beverage Excise Taxes: Fixed-Effect versus Random-Effects,” Advances in Economics and Business, 9(2), Sep 2021, 23-41. Open:

47) Comments on Rossow, “The alcohol advertising ban in Norway,” Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, Nov 2021, 1396-1398.

48) BOOK: Advertising and Differentiated Products: Advances in Applied Microeconomics, Vol. 10, eds. M.R. Baye & J.P. Nelson (JAI Press, 2001), 295pp.

49) REPORT: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Grant No. 1-R23-AA07099-01, Feb. 1987 – Feb. 1988 (P.I.). The Effects of Legal Restrictions on Alcohol Consumption. Final Report (Feb 1988, 81pp.).

50) REVIEW. Review of The U.S. Brewing Industry: Data and Economic Analysis (by V.J. Tremblay and C.H. Tremblay), in EH. Net Book Reviews, May 2005, 1-4. At