Publications on Industrial Organization

1) “An Interregional Recursive Programs Model of Production, Investment, and Technological Change,” Journal of Regional Science, April 1971, 33-47.
2) “A Note on the Economics of Metallurgical Coke Production,” Management Science, December 1971, 237-39.
3) “Regional Concentration in the Steel Industry,” Northeast Regional Science Review, Spring 1972, 218-25
4) “An Interregional Recursive Programming Model of the Iron and Steel Industry,” in G. Judge & T. Takayama (eds.), Studies in Economic Planning Over Space and Time (North-Holland, 1973), pp. 368-93.
5) “A Class of Dynamic Models for Describing and Projecting Industrial Development” (w/ R. Day), Journal of Econometrics, June 1973, 155-90.
6) “Forecasting Aggregate Supply of Coal Miners” (w/ E. Cohn & G. Neumann), Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, October 1974, 293-99.
7) “Energy Conservation Policies of the Federal Energy Office” (w/ T. Ferrar), Science, February 1975, 644-46.
8) “Residential and Commercial Demand for Space Heating Energy,” in Proceedings of the PA Conference of Economists, Bloomsburg State College, April 1975, 1-20.
9) “Forecasting Aggregate Demand for Coal Miners” (w/ E. Cohn & G. Neumann), Applied Economics, June 1975, 81-92.
10) “Econometric Analysis of the Effects of Climate on Energy Demand,” in Economic and Social Measures of Climate Change, IDA, Sep 1975, Ch. 3.
11) “The Demand for Space Heating Energy,” Review of Economics & Statistics, Nov. 1975, 508-12.
12) “Behavioral, Suboptimizing Models of Industrial Production, Investment and Technological Change” (w/ R. Day, et al.), in Modelling Economic Change: The Recursive Programming Approach (North-Holland, 1978), pp. 55-118.
13) “Tax Policy, Capital Shortages, and Iron and Steel Investment Behavior” (w/ G. Neumann), in Steel Industry Economics (University of Washington, 1979), pp. 43-63.
14) “A Comparison of Alternative Econometric Models of Iron and Steel Investment Behavior” (w/ G. Neumann & R. Crandall), Review Econ Stat, Feb 1980, 122-27.
15) “Tax Policy and Steel Industry Investment Behavior: An Econometric Analysis” (w/ G. Neumann), Quarterly Review of Econ & Business, Autumn 1980, 19-34.
16) “Estimating Demand Functions for Product Characteristics: Comment,” Journal of Consumer Research, September 1982, 219-20.
17) “Safety Regulation and Firm Size: Effects of the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969” (w/ G. Neumann), Journal of Law & Economics, October 1982, 183-99.
18) “Comment on ‘Can Government Regulate Safety? The Coal Mine Example’” (w/ G. Neumann), American Political Science Review, December 1982, 876-78.
19) “An Analysis of Ramsey Pricing in Electric Utilities” (w/ M. Roberts & E. Tromp), in M. Crew (ed.), Regulating Utilities in an Era of Deregulation (Macmillan, 1987), pp. 85-109.
20) “Ramsey Numbers and Role of Competing Interest Groups in Electric Utility Regulation” (w/ M. Roberts), Quarterly Review of Econ & Business, Autumn 1989, 21-42.
21) “Comparative Antitrust Damages in Bid-Rigging Cases: Some Findings from a Used Vehicle Auction,” Antitrust Bulletin, Summer 1993, 369-94.
22) “Market Structure and Incomplete Information: Price Formation in a Repeated English Auction,” Journal of Econ Behavior & Organization, August 1995, 421-37.
23) “Estimating the Spillover Benefits of Industrial Extension Programs” (w/ I. Feller), in Manufacturing Modernization (Georgia Tech University, 1997), pp. 199-222.
24) “The Microeconomics of Manufacturing Modernization Programs” (w/ I. Feller), Research Policy, November 1999, 807-18.
25) “Consumer Bankruptcy and Chapter Choice: State Panel Evidence,” Contemporary Economic Policy, October 1999, 552-64.
26) “Consumer Bankruptcies and the Bankruptcy Reform Act: A Time-Series Intervention Analysis, 1960-1997,” Journal of Financial Services Research, August 2000, 181-200.
27) “Cigarette Demand, Structural Change, and Advertising Bans: International Evidence, 1970-1995,” B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2(1), Aug 2003, art10.
28) “Youth Smoking Prevalence in Developing Countries: Effect of Advertising Bans,” Applied Economics Letters, 10(13), October 2003, 805-11.
29) “Cigarette Advertising Regulation: A Meta-Analysis,” International Review of Law & Economics, 26(2), June 2006, 195-226.
30) “Cigarette Labeling Act,” in Consumer Survival: An Encyclopedia of Consumer Rights, Safety, and Protection (ABC-CLIO, 2013), pp. 116-120.
31) BOOK: Industrial Organization (Penn State University World Campus, 2003), 254pp. HD2326.N415 2003.
32) REPORT: National Science Foundation, Grant No. ME24-206, February 1970 – February 1971 (Research Associate w/I. Feller, P.I.). State Organization of Research and Development. Final Report (February 1971, 254pp.). NTIS PB-1450.
33) REPORT: Pennsylvania Science and Engineering Foundation, Grant No. 105-ME24-208, August 1971- August 1972 (Co-P.I. w/ I. Feller). Research and Development Activities and Regional Economic Growth. Report (Aug1972, 249pp.).
34) REPORT: US Department of Interior, Grant No. GO122097, February 1973 – June 1974. (Research Associate w/E. Cohn, P.I.). Manpower in the Bituminous Coal Industry. Final Report (September 1973, 298pp.). NTIS PB-228215.
35) REPORT: US Department of Labor, Contract No. 41-USC-252, September 1974 – April 1975
(Co-P.I. w/ G. Neumann). Labor Productivity and the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act. Final Report (April 1975, 67pp.). NTIS PB-256670.
36) REPORT: US Department of the Interior, Contract No. J0255006, September 1975 – September 1977 (Co-P.I. w/ G. Neumann). Capital Requirements in the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry. Final Report (September 1977, 458pp.).
37) REPORT: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Contract No. 50SBNB5C9009, March 1996 – August 1996 (Co-P.I. w/ I. Feller). Feasibility Study for Estimating the Social Savings from MTC Projects. Final Report (August 1996, 30pp.).
38 Ph.D. THESIS. An Interregional Recursive Programming Model of the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry, 1947-1967,” University of Wisconsin, 1970. 488pp.
39) REVIEW. Review of The Economics of Professional Team Sports (by H. G. Demmert), Antitrust Bulletin, Winter 1975, 939-42.
40) REVIEW. Review of Steel Production: Processes, Products, and Residuals (by C. S. Russell & W. J. Vaughan), The Engineering Economist, Spring 1979, 191-92.
41) REVIEW. Review of The Diffusion of Mature Technologies (by G. F. Ray), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, September 1986, 332-34.