Joint Steering Committee meeting, November 4, 2015

The Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA continued its meeting Wednesday morning.  The agenda consisted of proposals and discussion papers relating to various RDA entities.

In the case of proposals, this report concentrates on the decisions rather than the discussion; this means that the reasons for the decisions may not always be clear.  In the case of discussion papers, I try to capture the main points of the discussion.

Entities: Manifestation

6JSC/CCC/16: Transcription of punctuation and symbols (1.7.3, 1.7.5)

Abstract:  This proposal recommends adding alternatives in the instructions for transcription of punctuation and symbols to allow some flexibility to omit or to replace punctuation or symbols to improve clarity.

The CCC proposal was accepted with some minor wording changes.

6JSC/CCC/19: Parallel language elements (1.7.7)

Abstract:  This proposal making a heretofore assumption explicit by clarifying that multiple occurrences of words, letters or numerals can be recorded twice when that was the intention of the creator and/or publisher.

CCC will rework this in the light of the discussion on transcription yesterday, which suggested parallel elements for recorded (normalized) and transcribed information.

6JSC/ALA/42: Clarify sources of information for statement of responsibility

Abstract:  Modify RDA (Sources of Information – Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper) and (Recording Statements of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper) to clarify how to present fuller and/or additional statements of responsibility that do not appear on the preferred source. Add examples to support the revised text. Revise RDA (Other Information Relating to a Statement of Responsibility) to match wording used in similar instructions.

A version of the ALA proposal, with revised wording, was approved.

6JSC/ALA/38: Create RDA 3.17.14, Note on identifier for the manifestation

Abstract:  Create an instruction in RDA 2.17, Note on Manifestation, to support recording notes associated with Identifier for the Manifestation (RDA 2.15). Add Note on Identifier for the Manifestation to the Glossary.

The proposal was accepted, using the version in the CCC response (with some modifications).  The “details of” language throughout RDA will be reviewed and changed in the near future, which may modify some of the specifics of this proposal.

6JSC/BL/25: Optional addition

The proposal called for explicit instructions about recording identifiers of related manifestations.  The proposal was approved, using the wording in the CCC response.

6JSC/ALA/40: Revision of RDA 3.1.4 and

Abstract:  Revise RDA 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type, to accommodate resources and accompanying material that share the same carrier type and to generalize the alternative instruction to describe the predominant carrier (or the most substantial carriers). Make supporting changes to RDA, Recording Extent.

Action on this proposal was deferred.  ALA and CCC will prepare a follow-up paper.

6JSC/ALA/44: New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method

Abstract:  Create two new instructions to enable recording specific optical disc characteristics: RDA 3.21, Optical Disc Data Storage Format and RDA 3.9.4, Production Method for Optical Disc. Add terms to RDA Glossary to support the new instructions.

The proposal to add Optical disc data storage format was rejected; this could be covered by Encoding format (3.19.3), a vocabulary that desperately needs to be reworked.  JSC will consider options for doing this work on Friday.

Rather than adding Optical disc recording method, the terms “burned” and “stamped” will be added to the general Production method vocabulary at  This will be done as a fast-track proposal and should appear in the February update to the Toolkit.

Entities: Work

6JSC/ALA/37: Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title

Abstract:  Eliminate “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title. The remaining use of this term in RDA will be for references to various types of laws.

The proposal was approved.  In addition, further revisions to and may be needed.

Note:  This is a very significant change for legal resources and parallels the equally significant elimination of “Treaties, etc.” in the 2015 update.

6JSC/BL/Discussion/1: Conventional collective titles in RDA

Abstract:  This paper argues that conventional collective titles no longer perform any useful purpose and should be deprecated from RDA.

There was no consensus that conventional collective titles no longer served any useful purpose.  Therefore, the use cases for the remaining cases in RDA will need to be evaluated.  Many of these involve musical works, so the Music Working Group will contribute a position paper on conventional collective titles of musical works.  The issue of conventional collective titles is to a large extent a modeling issue dealing with aggregate works, and therefore it may be referred to the Aggregates Working Group; a decision on this will be made on Friday.

6JSC/LC/33: Revision to instructions for adaptations and revisions (

Abstract:  Proposal will restructure the instructions for constructing authorized access points for Adaptations and Revisions ( when the adaptation results in a new work.  This is a clarification of what we think the existing instructions intend; it is not a change in practice.

The revised LC proposal was accepted, with an editorial addition to allow for multiple creators.

Entities: Person, Family, Corporate Body

6JSC/LC/34: Location of a conference, etc.

Abstract:  This proposal adds provisions for recording a non-local place as the location of a conference, etc. It also adds an alternative for recording a larger place or places, or a host city, for conferences, etc., held in multiple locations. An instruction for adding multiple associated institutions with an alternative is suggested. Corresponding changes are suggested for the authorized access point instructions.

The revised LC proposal was approved, but an additional problem was identified.  “Associated institution” is not a location; nor is “online”; technically separate elements are needed for each.  This task will be referred to the Technical Working Group.

6JSC/CCC/17: Recording the fuller form of name (

Abstract:  This proposal recommends adding specificity to the scope of the basic instruction on recording fuller forms of names and the corresponding glossary entry in order to encompass conventional practices.

The revised CCC proposal was approved.  A definition of “diminutive” for the Glossary will be drafted by CCC and proposed as a fast-track change for the April 2016 update.

Discussion of RDA on Gender

The vocabulary for the Gender element (9.7) is currently limited to “female”, “male”, and “not known”.  In May 2015, ALA made a fast-track proposal to add “transgender” to the vocabulary.  The JSC felt that anything beyond the current terms got into complex, subjective, and culturally fraught territory, and rejected the fast-track proposal.  An internal paper laying out the issues was the basis for this discussion.

Although there are use cases for gender information, they are primarily in terms of data mining; the use of gender for identification purposes is problematic.  The element is optional, and there are use cases to support it, so it seems appropriate to retain the element in RDA.

The current vocabulary also seems appropriate, although the JSC agreed to change “not known” to “other” for technical reasons.  They also agreed to delete the second paragraph of, as this is covered by the general guidelines at 0.6.

The JSC is interested in exploring the idea of community extensions to RDA vocabularies.  These could be part of the RDA Registry and used in conjunction with RDA terms, but would remain “local” terms distinct from the “official” ones (much as “local” policy statements are distinct from, but related to, the RDA instructions).  This seems an ideal opportunity to explore this process.  ALA will consider developing such local extensions to the Gender vocabulary, and will work with the RDA Development Team on support for extensions in the Registry.

Music Works, etc.

6JSC/MusicWG/10: Revision of instruction language for Part of a larger part (

Abstract:  This proposal revises the language for Part of a Larger Part ( for readability.

The proposal was approved, using the wording in the ALA response, with modifications.

6JSC/MusicWG/11: Revisions to instructions for additions to access points representing compilations of musical works

Abstract:  The proposal revises the instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles at and  The revisions would allow for more flexibility in adding other elements to access points when medium of performance or form of work cannot be added, when the addition of medium of performance or form would be the same for all titles that conflict, or when the works are part of a consecutively numbered series.

The JSC approved option 2 with some modifications of the wording.

6JSC/MusicWG/12: Revision to Additions to access point instructions for musical works

Abstract:  The proposal revises so that the instructions cover all musical compilations, not just access points that use a conventional collective title naming a type of composition.  A sub‐instruction has been added for those cases where it is necessary to add the medium of performance to the access point, but the term Selections is present.

Option 2 in the revised Music WG proposal was approved, with modifications: “additional elements” instead of “additions”; the change to was not made due to decision on 6JSC/MusicWG/11.  As a result of this proposal, will be revised and will be deleted.

It was noted that the term “compilations” is not defined in the Glossary, but that this terminology is gradually being replaced in RDA by “aggregates”.  The Aggregates Working Group may be asked to proposed changing terminology throughout RDA.

6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/1: Evaluating authorized access point instructions for musical works

Abstract:  This discussion paper evaluates the authorized access point instructions for musical works in

The Working Group will prepare a proposal based on the responses to the questions in the paper.

Question 1, Musical Works with Lyrics, Libretto, Text, Etc.: There was no agreement, so revision of this instruction will not be pursued.

Question 2, Pasticcios, Ballad Operas, Etc.: Responses pointed to broader issues that will need to be investigated.

Question 3, Multiple excerpts from pasticcios:  Agreed that exceptional practice should be removed.

Question 4, Single excerpt from a pasticcio: Agreed to further investigation.

Question 5, Musical Works Composed for Choreographic Movement: General agreement to fix this.

Question 6,  Adaptations  of  Musical  Works — Choice of title:  Revise consistent with decisions on 6JSC/LC/33/rev.

Question 7,  Adaptations  of  Musical  Works — Add guidance in Chapter 19:  Agreed with UK not to pursue.

Question 8,  Adaptations  of  Musical  Works — Instruction Language of  To be reassessed after final version of 6JSC/LC/33/rev is available.

Question 9, Operas and Other Dramatic Works with New Text and Title: Noted, but will not be pursued at this time.

Question 10, Music and Incidental Music for Dramatic Works:  Agreed to further investigation.

6JSC/MusicWG/13: Revision to Numeric Designation of a musical work (6.16)

Abstract:  The proposal revises the instructions for numeric designations of a musical work. Changes proposed include: additional language for the definition of a numeric designation, guidance on language and form of number, clarification of instructions for identifying individual works with inclusive numbering, expanding the definition of what constitutes a serial number, clarification of the instructions for when the form of numeric designation differs from one work to another, and revising the instructions on thematic index numbers so that they appear less restrictive.

The revised proposal was approved; option 2 at was preferred with modifications of wording.

6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/2: Simplification of the Medium of performance instructions

Abstract:  This discussion paper presents two possible ways of simplifying the instructions for recording medium of performance (6.15).  The first version is a more conservative approach, removing closed lists of terms, condensing instructions, but retaining some application instructions.  The second version is more radical, electing to remove almost all application instructions in 6.15, save basic instructions for recording individual instruments and voices, and recording ensembles.

The JSC preferred the more radical second option as consistent with the general direction of RDA development; the Working Group will continue working on the details of this option.  Once this is done, there will no longer be a Medium of performance vocabulary in RDA; content of the element will be based on external vocabularies, such as the LC Medium of Performance Thesaurus.

How does this radical change to 6.15 fit into the future development of RDA and the RDA Toolkit?  The JSC Chair noted that it had already been decided that there needed to be a radical restructuring of the Toolkit for several reasons, including the major impact of changes to support FRBR-LRM.  As part of this restructuring, it seems appropriate to provide a place in the Toolkit somewhere for significant sections of RDA that had been removed or replaced.  Work on radical changes can continue in the interim, but the context in which those changes will be implemented in the Toolkit may be very different.

6JSC/MusicWG/14: Removing lists of terms from the Medium of performance instructions

This proposal was withdrawn in the light of decision on the previous discussion paper; responses to the proposal will be taken into account in the Working Group’s continuing work on Medium of performance.

6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/3: Additional element for Medium of performance of the expression

Abstract:  This discussion paper recommends either a) the addition of a new RDA element Medium of Performance of the Expression or b) expanding the scope of the current RDA element Medium of Performance to cover both works and expressions.

The CCC representative (who is also involved in the development of FRBR-LRM) noted that the FRBR consolidation group is considering a different approach to work and expression attributes, which recognizes that some attributes of the work are based on the attributes of “representative expressions” (often the first expression, but not always); attributes such as the Language of the work may in fact be modeled as the Language of particular expressions; the same is probably true of Medium of performance.  So in FRBR-LRM, Medium of performance may apply only to the expression.  Until this is resolved in the FRBR consolidation, it would be premature to do anything with Medium of performance of the expression.  The JSC agreed to defer action.


6JSC/MusicWG/15: Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of musical works

Abstract:  This proposal by the Finnish Music Group seeks to add alternatives to two instructions for recording preferred titles of individual musical works.  The first alternative would allow for recording the preferred title for a type of composition in the language preferred by the agency creating the data at  The second proposed alternative would allow for a choice in the form of the title recorded according to

Although the instructions in question involve naming works and therefore will be overtaken by the implementation of the Nomen entity from FRBR-LRM, the JSC was also concerned to be responsive to a request from outside the Anglo-American community that would promote use of RDA internationally.  Therefore, it was decided to accept the proposal, using the language in the UK response, with modification to allow singular and plural forms.

6JSC/MusicWG/16: Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works …

Abstract:  This proposal by the Finnish Music Group seeks to add an alternative to to allow for the recording of both the number and the title of a part, as opposed to only recording the title of the part, when all parts are identified by a number and by differing titles.

For the same reasons, the JSC approved the proposal, using the wording in the ALA response.

6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1: Capitalization instructions and RDA

Abstract:  This discussion paper focuses on options for the presentation of language-specific capitalization instructions within RDA itself or within the RDA Toolkit.

There was a general discussion about what sort of guidance about capitalization in general, and language-specific capitalization rules in particular, RDA should provide.  In the end, it was decided to expand rather than contract the guidelines; the Working Group will prepare a template for capitalization instructions in a given language based on the outline of the English-language guidelines currently in Appendix A.  Where all this will fall in the RDA Toolkit will be a part of the Toolkit restructuring project; there are likely to be more options for placement than are currently available.

Tomorrow’s agenda will focus on outreach to other communities: rare materials (with some proposals relating to archival and rare resources); FRBR; serials (ISBD and ISSN); and PRESSoo.

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