Hello! I’m Jacks Scheliga, & I’m a first–year Penn State Abington student.

I’ve never thought of myself as a particularly good writer, shooting mostly for lamely & barely above average in my English-based academics in high school, therefore much of this semester was to help encourage myself to become a better one. I believe understanding literature is a great way to benefit your own writing, while also getting to experience some of the wonderful stories that are out there. I enjoyed developing my academic writing in this course, as well as hoping to hone in on more creative writing skills through exposure to literary works that were, in my eyes, all very good.
I often find myself thinking about the way characters think & why, & find myself trying to put myself in their shoes. I find it fascinating that despite everyone living different lives, there are many experiences large collections of people can relate to together. I am a big fan of the human spirit!
With the feelings of relation, I enjoy different elements of culture that I can identify with, & would like to share some of my own. I enjoy Alternative subcultures, mostly emo, scene, punk, & (mall)goth, but think I’m a poser through & through since I can’t make up my mind- but that’s okay! I tend to get really into my interests, & my favorite media of all time is Neon Genesis Evangelion. It has a relatable cast of characters & covers psychological & sociological concepts with a unique narrative that starts off looking like a somewhat silly robot fighting show. If you have time & are into animation, psychological stories, & can tolerate robots battling out of this world enemies, I’d recommend it! Otherwise I love watching any sorts of movies, & love love love zombie media of all kinds. Some of my favorite movies are Little Miss Sunshine, the Spiderverse Collection, Coraline, Scott Pilgrim, 500 Days of Summer, Your Name, Nightmare Before Christmas, Mysterious Skin, I Tonya, & so so so many more but I could go on forever- I love (psych)horror & coming-of-age type movies a lot, but I love watching anything people recommend me!