1.2 Exercises

1.2 Gestalt Praxis

New Media Exercise Analysis: I loved this exercise because we got to see the full concept of figure and ground. Utilizing figures to occupy the circles we constructed and the space creates the perception of another image, which happens to be a square, as you progress with the boxes. Not to mention, this does not even take into account color, which is another conversation for another day.

 This image entails of 1.2 Gestalt Praxis, student example.

1.2.2  Line Drawing

New Media Exercise Analysis: I would like to mention first that this exercise was very interesting, but what I enjoyed the most was curving the line with the selection tool in Adobe Illustrator, which happens to be very intriguing software. One interesting point mentioned in the text is that each line defines a language that goes to the extent of identity, taking into account logo design.

 This image entails of 1.2.2 Line drawing.

1.2.3 Line Drawing

New Media Exercise Analysis: In this exercise, I got the opportunity to create my design by just using my initials. I didn’t realize how astonishing typography could be until I began to brainstorm the different types of typography and fonts I wanted to include in my drawing. In this design, I used San Serif and Serif as my selected fonts to configure the distinction between the ground and the figure, which is modeled by the “M.” Furthermore, the ideology of my design was to be unorthodox and create such an allusion that you feel like you are in an allusion by looking at an allusion. Yes, it was pretty mind-boggling, but the idea was to allow my viewers to separate themselves from reality and create a sense of emptiness when looking into the image. Perception is your reality; you make your interpretation as you view specific images. Concerning Gestalt theory, everyone views things differently. Therefore, we must look at things from different perspectives to see what story each perspective presents. This brings me to the point of creating an image that would allow the reader to tap into their creative thinking and create their perception.

 This picture entails of Graphic 1.2.3-line drawling.




williamCromar. (2024a, January 9). Gestalt praxis. newMediaWiki. https://williamcromar.com/newmediawiki/gestalt-praxis/


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