2.4 Design


Overview: The object I’ve decided to select for my orthographic drawing is my sneaker. Originally, I didn’t plan on selecting my shoe for my final design; nonetheless, it turned out well post-production. The main problem was constructing almost a perfect drawing; I needed to get different orientations of my sneaker so I could properly construct my design in Fusion 360 accordingly. I included the structural components of my sneaker and avoided taking into account all of the details, such as the exterior designs. The whole point of the exercise is to practice my understanding of using the software, not to increase my skill set as an amateur designer. My point of reference was from the media wiki; more importantly, the example shoe designed by the professor provided more insight for me on how I planned to design my sneaker.


 Historic State

Overview: This step is so important for artists such as myself in this case because it shows the historical stages of the design, emphasizing the flaws and course correction. I believe this is imperative for the audience to see the development of the design because it gives them a basis. I am excited to present you with the before and after, so you can know where I struggled and how I was able to address the problem in the long haul.



Overview: My final design came out better than I anticipated it to turn out. I was struggling with perfecting the bevel to give it that realistic cure-indention that sneakers tend to have. As mentioned above, the whole idea is to define the structural external space the shoe holds up, not to feel in the voids in the designing phase. All of the steps in the final synthesis phase essentially illustrate the learning curves and challenges faced when getting to this point of the exercise. My goal was to describe and show my journey through my visuals, and I hope it brings you a sense of realism concerning 2D conversion to 3D models.



Cardboard Side-View Model

 Cardboard Model Front View

Overview: Now that my 3-D design is covered in a 4-D figure, it has pointed out my flaws within my design phase, which I found to be very beneficial to my learning of the exercise. I created a sneaker, but it has the configuration of a car, so that is something interesting and funny to point out. If more time were available to perfect my design, I could’ve addressed some of the small details that would’ve given the audience a more defined visual understanding. Concerning Gestalt theory, I want my audience to look at my finalized model and know what it is—not give my audience an ambiguous message through my creation. However, on a positive note, post-production turned out well, and I learned a lot about myself along the way. I don’t regret any of the decisions I made because they led me to this point. I decided to go with the stacked articulation with the y model because I believe it is the most simplified way for me to create a y object without causing an additional time that was presented. The dowel is set up horizontally, about 1.5–2 inches inside the sneaker, which allows for easy production.




W. (2023, August 9). Topological transformations. newMediaWiki. https://williamcromar.com/newmediawiki/topological-transformations/

W. C. (2020, September 25). Shoe model in Fusion 360 Part 1. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6JIYMBdhSM

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