4.3 Safety Training


This was a good training session that expanded my knowledge on how the processes work and what to expect when using the CNC router. I believe the live training was meaningful, and I learned a lot about the different tools and materials that’ll be in use when we’re making and finalizing our design. Moreover, on that same note, there is a proper order for setting up the machine, so that way we’re using our machine to its fullest capacity. The Shakaepo is connected to the desktop wirelessly and has a kill switch inside the enclosed cabinet. The blast gates are only opened when entering the cutting material and removing the finished model. Furthermore, the dust collection has a dust shoe set up that has suction and collects all the debris and dust accumulated throughout the job. In order to prevent excess debris and dust, the dust shoe collects all of the dust within the cabinet and keeps the dust to a bare minimum. Not to mention, the router head is where the cuts are articulated, and the air handler handles the airflow of the suctioned debris and dust, which should be powered on, and all vents should be opened and closed accordingly to make sure all the debris is collected.



What to Worry About?

So, when a new machine is in operation, it comes with more exposure to hazards, and that can be really impactful if not careful. Hence, when the machine is in operation, which I recently made aware of, The most dangerous tool, I believe, is the flute and, to a rare extent, the cutting material if it is changed from the supplied foam, such as wood. Furthermore, the bit has different sizes and end mills, which should be thoroughly monitored so that an improper cut does not damage the finalized model. Also, I would say the dust shoe, and due to the respiratory challenges it presents if the shoe isn’t property connected and the dust ventilator isn’t on and functioning. Which brings me to the point of the blast gates for dust, which ensure the access debris is maintained and sustained, which would be the last step for the user to check to make sure all the dust is suctioned and blocked. Although the scale is very minimal in terms of exposure to risk, there are still some things to recognize when the machine is in use. I feel as though the training was adequate and answered all my questions, and I would highly recommend that potential students attend the live training as opposed to the video or manual reading, which lacks personalized explanation for the audience. I do appreciate that, and that allowed me to get a better understanding overall.



W. (2024, January 12). CNC router fabrication. newMediaWiki. https://williamcromar.com/newmediawiki/cnc-router-fabrication/

Welcome to CNC. (n.d.). https://my.carbide3d.com/gswcnc/01/

2.4 Design


Overview: The object I’ve decided to select for my orthographic drawing is my sneaker. Originally, I didn’t plan on selecting my shoe for my final design; nonetheless, it turned out well post-production. The main problem was constructing almost a perfect drawing; I needed to get different orientations of my sneaker so I could properly construct my design in Fusion 360 accordingly. I included the structural components of my sneaker and avoided taking into account all of the details, such as the exterior designs. The whole point of the exercise is to practice my understanding of using the software, not to increase my skill set as an amateur designer. My point of reference was from the media wiki; more importantly, the example shoe designed by the professor provided more insight for me on how I planned to design my sneaker.


 Historic State

Overview: This step is so important for artists such as myself in this case because it shows the historical stages of the design, emphasizing the flaws and course correction. I believe this is imperative for the audience to see the development of the design because it gives them a basis. I am excited to present you with the before and after, so you can know where I struggled and how I was able to address the problem in the long haul.



Continue reading 2.4 Design

1.4 Design


Overview: The construction of my design was meant to describe me; furthermore, I wanted to make sure I included almost everything that represents me. I constructed many sketches until I came up with the final masterpiece. I also referenced some of the illustrations and hyperlinks the wiki provided. All the designs I came across were exciting and had one main component in the logo that essentially told the audience the mission behind the logo.

logos with j and M – Google Search


Overview: I like the progress of where the design came from; through my illustrations, you can see the different scales and obstacles I came across when trying to design the perfect logo that described me. So, much respect for this process because I wouldn’t have been able to come up with what I did in the end. I used a sans-serif font that was available in Adobe Illustrator to later use my letter as a reference, and then I free-drew my designs and installed them right in the software. I don’t have a track record in the software because I deleted as I went and kept what I liked, which created the final design.



Overview: This was a great step within the process because I got to see the different scales of my final design and got a brief idea of what to expect when the final cut is pre-fabricated. I was excited to see the results.



Overview: The final design showed the figure and ground, and I put it on a few objects I thought it would turn out well on, such as my binder, my desk, and my PC desktop.

Fabrication ( Binder)



Fabrication PC















W. (2024, January 23). Personal logo. newMediaWiki. https://williamcromar.com/newmediawiki/personal-logo/