Unit One Artifact Ideas

Hey everyone! Hope the artifact hunting is going well! Here are some ideas that I had for my Rhetorical Analysis!


#1: The HPV Vaccination Commerical


#2: Gun Safety Public Service Announcement

This PSA also takes shape as multiple print advertisements as well. I thought this might be interesting to analyze the effectiveness of the same campaign through different mediums for the comparison essay.


#3: Bullying Prevention Public Service Announcement


#4: Climate Change Poster

Climate Change Ad Found Here.
“Sea levels are rising. Don’t wait until the last minute”


#5: Anti-Vaping Print Ad Campaigns

Both no vape ads found here.


#6: The Anti-Nuclear Campaign Poster

Anti-Nuclear Pamphlet Found Here.

A paper crane was attached to this pamphlet. The paper cranes were made famous by a young girl named Sadako who was diagnosed with leukemia after surviving the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Click Here to read the full story.


#7: Labor Union Movement Political Cartoon



So, what do you guys think? Should I stick with an artifact that’s more current like the videos? I could really examine and analyze the types of video tricks/styles and overall plot of these short “films.” Or, I could deep dive into the history of an older artifact? Maybe this way I can analyze the effect of Kairos better? I can’t decide!










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