Issue Brief Outline

Please see below for my issue brief outline! :))

Post Attended Deliberation Reflection

On February 29th, I attended a deliberation on the validity of standardized testing at Webster’s Café downtown. I was one of approximately 15 deliberates at this particular event, and all of us in attendance were students at Penn State (which I found very interesting yet not surprising). When I decided to participate in this deliberation, […]

This I Believe Ideas

Hey everyone here are some of my ideas for my “This I believe” podcast.   #1 Say Hello First Ok I’m kinda disappointed that the example podcast was my most favorite topic!! But I would love to write the story behind my belief to “say hello first”. When I was a freshman in high school, […]

Academic Integrity TED Talk Reflection

Overall, I think I did a pretty good job on my TED Talk, but after rewatching the footage from the One Button Studio, I would have liked to do a couple of things differently. First, I really liked the topic of my TED Talk. When I was planning for my talk, it took a lot […]

Rhetorical Analysis Comparison Idea!

Hey guys! I found a commercial that aired in Ireland called “Don’t be swayed by the rumours” to compare to Merck’s HPV vaccine commercial “What will you say?” that aired in the United States. Click Here for Merck’s Ad. Click Here for the Ireland Ad.

Unit One Artifact Ideas

Hey everyone! Hope the artifact hunting is going well! Here are some ideas that I had for my Rhetorical Analysis!   #1: The HPV Vaccination Commerical   #2: Gun Safety Public Service Announcement This PSA also takes shape as multiple print advertisements as well. I thought this might be interesting to analyze the effectiveness of […]

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