RCL 10: Pictures Speak Louder than both Words and Action

One look at this image and some people will be amazed. This image is simple on the surface, but it has a deeper meaning if you dig into it.

Image result for man looking at star

The image simply shows a man showing a child, presumably his own, the sky during the evening (or break of dawn). The man is pointing into the sky showing the vastness of space, while the child appears to be enthralled by the beautiful scenery.

Digging deeper into this, I feel as tho this picture represents how little everything on Earth is in relation to the “grand scheme of things”. I don’t mean to say that we, as humans, don’t matter. I just mean to say that we’re not the only thing in the universe.

I personally believe that the image is showing how much more there is to life than just the one planet that we live on. We live on a small planet, orbiting a relatively small sun, in a remote part of the galaxy, which is barely visible when seeing the observable universe. Think about that now, the observable universe.  It’s not even the whole picture.

This image is also showing the great potential that we possess as people. People are powerful beings. We’ve accomplished so much since the dawn of man. This image proves that. Not only are we able to see the stars with our own eyes, but now we’ve created technology to give detail to the beautiful sky. The sky and stars represent the infinite potential that humans possess, just as the universe itself appears to be infinite.

The picture even shows a child. Think about how powerful children are. Many people believe that “children are the future”. I agree with this statement, and I would go as far as to say that this image is also agreeing. Not only is man as a species infinite, children are even more so. Children have so much untapped potential. They are the ones that will shape mankind for years to come.

All in all, I feel as though this photo is putting mankind in perspective in relation to the universe. It’s not showing the insignificance of people, but it’s showing that we, as a species, can be just as big and powerful as the universe itself. We’ve come a long way from nomadic tribes wandering aimlessly around a nameless ball of dirt and water. Think of where we’ll be in just 100 years.

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