Public Controversy Project

Some ideas I was considering for the project were the controversies of cancel culture and AI. If I were to focus on AI, I was thinking of focusing on ethics on a college campus. AI has grown in the past year, especially on college campuses, there have been some controversies about it, especially the ethics and concerns about plagiarism. I think the project would focus on the concerns for AI and professors’ opinions on it. I know some of my professors use it, and others think that it’s an ethical problem that can encourage students to plagiarize their work.

My second topic was focusing on cancel culture and having a focus on specific cases, while possibly focusing on hate speech on a college campus. I think that this topic would be interesting to research specifically the different cases such as the JK Rowling controversy, Colleen Ballinger and her involvement with grooming, and the David Dobrik controversy. Seeing why they got canceled and how the media perceived it, although it might be difficult to see have a credible source since much of it comes from social media.

2 thoughts on “Public Controversy Project

  1. These ideas are perfect. I think AI can be very well related to considering we all are in college. It seems like in today’s age, everyone either likes it or hates it. This can be very controversial. I did really like the whole cancel culture idea as well. Social media is so popular and so almost every influencer has been cancelled at least once in their career. I feel like there are many ideas we could uncover in this topic. I’m excited to see what our group comes up with!!

  2. I like your idea for looking at AI. Because of my previous knowledge about the subject, I only really thought about the job implications surrounding AI, not necessarily the impacts it could have on education. I really like the idea of looking at educational impacts because it’s something that affects us now.
    I also like the examples you came up with for the cancel culture idea. I think it could be really interesting looking at those specific cases and seeing their media portrayal.

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