Gun Control in America

Today I decided to do some free roaming for my blog. Steering away from my usual blogging and diving into a different topic. In recent news, we have heard a lot about gun control and incidents with guns, yet there is so much more beyond the surface of what we hear on news sites.  Specifically in schools, today kids are taught how to hide and have regular lockdown drills. I live in CT specifically Fairfield County and about 30 min from where the Sandy Hook shooting took place.

When I was in 5th grade, I was in chorus class. we were in the auditorium/lunchroom I went to a very small school so there wasn’t much room. Right in the middle of Defying Gravity from Wicked, the announcement started to say, “Lockdown Lockdown Exterior Threat” and there was a blue flashing light. My music teacher and 2 other assistant teachers had to control 60-ish students and make sure they went to the stage behind a solid blue curtain and hid in between any chairs and tables that were on the stage. Since the cafeteria was spacious but had huge glass windows. On the side of the stage, a small office and a door were leading to the main hallway. We were in complete darkness for about 2 hours until many of us had to use the bathroom and the teachers had us use a trashcan in the office. For the next hour or so we were stuck there until we were clear to go back to our class and then go home. At that time, we didn’t know what was going on or what was happening but later that night they sent out an email saying that there were shooting threats at one of the high schools near us. Everyone in the district was on lockdown since they weren’t sure, and it was for safety. I’m so grateful no one was physically hurt yet it still lives in our heads.

It is disheartening that we live in a world where children and individuals have to grapple with the fear of potential harm while pursuing education or simply going about their daily lives. The fact that there were 13 shootings in just 52 days highlights the severity of the issue and demands immediate attention. The emotional toll extends beyond physical injuries, with victims often grappling with post-traumatic stress disorder. The psychological scars left by such events can last a lifetime, affecting not only the victims but also their families and communities. Despite the alarming frequency of these incidents, there seems to be a lack of substantial action from the government to address the issue of gun violence. It is urgent that our lawmakers take meaningful steps to enact policies that prioritize public safety. We take actions to help the victims with mental, or physical help, but thats not enough. Prevention, remains the ultimate goal. Making sure the we have not only a secure community but also a secure school.

3 thoughts on “Gun Control in America

  1. The fear that students have to live through in this country is absolutely disheartening. Gun control is definitely a difficult problem to solve, with pushback from those who already have guns and from those who desire the freedom to own one. However, I do think that creating a system that can really control who has access to guns, through trainings and more background checks, is the best way to at least start on this problem.

  2. It is such a sad reality that kids have to grow up with the fear of a gun threat in school. I wrote about a similar topic a few weeks ago and mentioned how multiple people were shot during the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City, a few being children. Kids should not have to live in fear, and more regulation on gun control is definitely an important step.

  3. I completely agree about how sad it is that current young children are growing up with a need to learn so many drills about safety regarding guns in America. It is disheartening that so many children live in fear and especially sad that there are simply so many guns circulating in the country that fear has sustained for so long and may never truly go away. Beyond just the kids, I can not even imagine what everyday must feel like for teachers and what we expect from them today even with severe underpayment.

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