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Viewing Grammar

After reading the chapters from the parallel universes wiki, I noted that the point of these readings were to show us what visual grammar is, and how it relates to us as artists. Personally, I felt as though I understood the majority of the readings, I already understood what things such as point, lines, volume, light, ect. meant in terms of art usage. However, there were things I had little knowledge about such as kinematics, and would be interesting in going over that topic more in class.

The way I understand grammar is visually. I am a very visual person and always struggled with the typical verbal grammar. That being said I do understand how visual grammar and verbal grammar need one another in certain ways. Being able to see and hear something helps people grasp concepts faster considering they are using multiple senses to learn and understand at once. However, Being able to just see something or just hear something can cause just as much of an impact as being able to see and hear.

1.M.1 Visual Grammar

Published inArt 122

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