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The Nemesis of Mimesis

The term ‘obscene art’ is a bit of a contradiction. There are plenty of artworks that numerous people can see as obscene rather than art, but that some would only see as art. Things that are obscene are relative to the individual who experiences it. Personally, I think that pretty much anything can be art, especially if the creator made it with passion and heart. In Barrett’s book they discuss censorship and what should be allowed to be displayed or not and personally I think that the easiest solution would be to simply have a warning. People can make their own decisions as to view different works or not, to simply have a trigger warning for people who do believe in ‘obscene art’ or for young children it would solve the problem of the philosophical question of what can be shown, to be what people willingly see or not.

2.R.3 Mimesis

Published inArt 122

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