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(re)Sources Post #2

For this assignment, we were tasked with reviewing and reading over the external resource links that are offered to help students learn how to be better writes. As someone who has been using MLA formatting since grade school, I am well aware of hit it works. However,I also accept that sometimes I mess up or make mistakes, having these resources here are a wonderful reminder on correct formatting.

Webspace Post #1

First post on our Art 122, Section 001 blog. This is the place where all of our works and assignments  will be placed to have a clear and easy access to all of our projects. Personally, I find using a blog for Art assignments and discussions to be enjoyable and easier access that Canvas programs.

For reference:

My Box:

Project #4 – Corpse

For the Round Robin Corpse project I received the image on the right. Looking at what I was given I came up with this image and effect to give it a “trippy” or “psychedelic” type of image.

Project #3 – Mandala

For my Mandala project I chose to focus on the element fire. When I was brainstorming my first idea of fire led me to stars, the universes biggest fires. I placed the stars in the golden ratio pattern getting larger as the circle goes out. I thought it would be interesting if I made the stars have more shape to them, since if you look at blown up images of our Sun, you can see gases that make a beautiful texture on the Suns surface. The squiggly stars with the combination of different shades of red and orange in a “spotlight” type pattern aka a simple version of the Dynamic Symmetry grid that really brought the idea of fire to life.

Project #2 – Thirteen Ways

Throughout history the Blackbird was always a message of warning, bringing forth great peril or striking news. When I first read the Blackbird poem I pictured the Blackbird to be blind, an eerie message of the all seeing not being able to see. In it’s mouth it holds an eye, is it their own? is it a humans? or is it just a metaphor on how we view the world. I implore you to think of this piece and let your own imagination run wild.

Project #1: One-Hundred Birthdays

How many people actually like there birthday?  Now imagine what it would be like to live until your 100th birthday. For this project I took the idea of 100 birthdays and used it to represent a repetitive pattern of a birthday party, with each passing decade gaining new family, friends, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I chose to make my video a blast of color, almost too much color, adding additional donuts each time. For me, the donuts represented the additions to your life, wither it be family, friend, lover, or any one you’ve met throughout your 100 years. The blasting of the cake is a comical/ subtle symbol of the end or “death”, we can only hope to get to live until the 100th birthday but in reality we never truly know.

I hope this piece lets you think about the people you bring into your life, and who you would like to be there for your 100th birthday.

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